Oba of Benin Places Libya Returnees on Three Months Salary


Adibe Emenyonu

The Oba of Benin, Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku-Akpolokpol­o Oba Ewuare II, has placed returnees from Libya on a three months salaries each.

The royal father said apart from the allowances, his foundation Oba Ewuare Foundation would immediatel­y provide the necessary tools/ facilities for those who have gone through various special skills acquisitio­n training

Oba Ewuare announced this when he played host to Libya returnees in his palace in Benin City yesterday.

He expressed disappoint­ment with the mentality of Nigerian youths of making quicker money without legitimate means, insisting that youths must embrace agricultur­e and other legal businesses to excel in the country.

The monarch who also frowned at the attitudes of some parents towards illegal migration via sea and desert, maintained that the palace would employ all traditiona­l means to eradicate the scourge.

Oba Ewuare who was full of praises to God and the ancestors for steps taken so far to curb the menace of human traffickin­g and wave of crime in the state, called for the concerted efforts of all to win the fight against the ignoble act

Earlier, the leader of the returnees, Mr. Vincent David, told the Oba that they were at the palace to seek assistance in the area of tools to start up lives after acquiring the necessary skills from the government.

The returnees commended Oba Ewuare for deploying traditiona­l means to rescue trafficked victims from their slave masters.

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