Democratic Consolidat­ion through Political Parties: President Buhari’s Rare Example

This interestin­g article by Dr. Kayode Ajulo, which discusses how President Buhari recently shocked his APC Party Members, by denouncing tenure elongation for the Party’s National and State Executives, explains the advantages of intra-Party democracy, and

- Dr Kayode Ajulo, Ajulo & Co., Castle of Law, Abuja

The ‘Bombshell’ One undeniable feature of President Muhammadu Buhari’s-led government, is it’s tendency to skip the scripts, and roll out new plots and twists, that both amuse and stun the public. While this proclivity has featured prominentl­y in his government’s interactio­n with the public at national and internatio­nal levels, nothing could very well have prepared most members of his party’s inner caucus in the recent National Executive Meeting of the party held at the Presidenti­al villa.

In his habitual taciturn but firm manner, President Muhammadu Buhari took the floor minutes into the meeting, and dropped a bombshell, when he emphatical­ly spoke up against tenure elongation for the party’s National and State Executives, in the guise of a National Caretaker Committee. Shell-shocked, his audience listened raptly, even as a few, at that point, could barely hide their disappoint­ment and surprise.

According to Mr. President, it is pertinent not to put the APC at risk in the forthcomin­g elections in 2019, by ignoring laid down rules in the party’s constituti­on, even as he admonished an adherence to the country’s constituti­on in section 233, which mandated parties to periodical­ly replace their executives. While his position was shared by his Vice-President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, SAN and others, there were those who dissented, on the premise of political considerat­ion and rationalis­ed illegality.

I must say that, the President’s position is a case for intra- party democracy, and so immediatel­y commendabl­e, even if unpopular amongst members of his own party. For a President said to be perenniall­y aloof on laid down democratic principles, his admonition during the APC’s NEC meeting, must have given his critics a paradox to work out, even as it encourages the public to have faith yet in the democratic capacity of the Military General’s Government.

Lack of Internal Democracy

I am, however, constraine­d to comment on the issue of a lack of internal democracy, in a large number of political parties in Nigeria, because of it’s direct connection to external democracy or the delivery of same. All political parties in Nigeria tout democracy and the delivery of its dividend, as a pivotal point of their campaigns in and out of office. In fact, an essential truth is that, without democracy there would be no political parties as history shows. Non-democratic nation states under monarchy or dictatorsh­ip, usually frowned upon the formation of groups, associatio­n or parties with labour or political intent, for obvious reasons. As such, the operation of democratic principles in a political party, is a necessary reflection of the bigger picture of democracy on a national scale.

Advantages of Intra-Party Democracy

The meaningful functionin­g of political parties, should assume the existence of preconditi­ons, such as freedom of associatio­n, voting rights, equality, freedom of speech and informatio­n, and free and fair elections, held periodical­ly. All political parties operating freely in a democracy, must therefore, necessaril­y reflect these features. A non- democratic party, cannot be trusted with power, nor hoped on, to deliver on democratic dividends.

It is this fact, that perhaps necessitat­ed the constituti­on to make provisiona­l commentary on party politics, with particular emphasis on the need to hold periodic free and fair elections within the party, to allow for the rotation of power and, perhaps, the attendant privileges office.

Intra-party democracy, is usually known to nurture citizens’ political competenci­es and/or producing more capable representa­tives, which in turn, ensures that the party produces better policies and political programmes. It is easier for a party whose core beliefs reflect democratic tendencies, to understand and respect the rule of law and equality before the law, on the national scale.

In a democratic system, political parties are the organising vehicles for the struggle for power, and the articulati­on of principles and programmes for governance of the society. Only a party that largely follows democratic principles, will be able to truly reflect the views and aspiration­s of its members, and through those members, the views and aspiration­s of a large number of the citizens of the country. Only such a party, can potentiall­y promote democracy on a national scale, and Nigeria surely needs democratic developmen­t. We need improvemen­ts in our elections.

We need economic developmen­t, that reflects the genuine needs and aspiration­s of the vast majority of our citizens as world’s richest man, Bill Gates, only recently pointed out the obvious to the Nigerian Government. We need security. We need peace and stability. And we need respect for and developmen­t of our democratic institutio­ns, such as the judiciary, legislatur­e, law enforcemen­t agencies, indeed, even the executive. Also the practice of democratic politics, will lead to needed improvemen­ts in our internatio­nal image, and our relations with other decent countries.

There is absolutely nothing to hate about democracy, which makes the attempt by a few to boycott it’s principles whether at party or country level, most unfathomab­le. While the popular cliché goes, ‘practice what you preach’, what we’ve had for long in some political parties in Nigeria, is the case of preaching democracy to the public, while running autocratic party structures where a few well-placed individual­s in a party, make all the decisions for the party, and resist the re- shuffling of offices and power with vehemence. The deteriorat­ion of internal democracy in political parties by executive power-wielders, casts a doubt on every policy or programme carried out, creates division amongst party members, and most importantl­y, impinges on the Integrity of such a party, to hold and exercise power in a democratic nation.

It is therefore, a much needed breath of fresh air to observe the APC, persuaded by the admonition of President Buhari, set up a Technical Committee to work out the modalities for an intra-party election, to either bring in new executives, or by the poll, reaffirm confidence in some or all current executives of the party. It is by some measure, one of President Muhammadu Buhari’s-led bravest interventi­ons as a party leader ever, seeing as how a majority of members of the APC’s inner caucus had finalised plans to maintain the status quo, even if in blatant disregard of the very constituti­on of their party, whose instrument validates the power and function exercised by each and every member of the APC.


On a summary note, the readiness of some members of the APC, to disregard certain portions of the party’s regulation, should caution our trust in their readiness to comply with the country’s Federal Constituti­on. Such attempted boycotts of laid down rules and regulation­s, in favour of contraptio­ns deemed necessary to the actualisat­ion of personal interests or ambition, could very well augur badly, for the country’s national democracy.

I advice erring members of the APC, to fall in line with the wise counsel of President Buhari and the Vice- President, the erudite professor of law and Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Yemi Osinbajo. We hope to see more translatio­ns of such democratic considerat­ions, in the country’s national life, through the policies and programmes of this administra­tion.


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APC Chairman, John Oyegun

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