How Forensic Experts Helped Police Indict Danish Murder Suspect in Lagos

- Chiemelie Ezeobi

Save for the help of forensic experts, Peter Nielson, a Danish, would have successful­ly covered up the alleged murder of his wife, Zainab, and their three-year-old daughter, Petra, at their Banana Island home in Lagos.

THISDAY gathered yesterday that Nielson had gone at great lengths to cleverly wipe off traces of blood stains after he allegedly killed his wife and daughter.

Giving an update on the murder case, the state Commission­er of Police, Imohimi Edgal, who said Nielson has been charged with first degree murder, revealed that forensic experts traced the blood with the use of special chemical reagents.

He said forensic examinatio­n of evidence from the Banana Island residence showed traces of blood stains that were cleverly wiped.

The police boss added that the forensics helped with investigat­ion because initial reports suggested that the woman was strangled and their daughter suffocated.

However, the result of the autopsy conducted by the police showed that Zainab suffered trauma as a result of impact on her head, lending credence to the allegation­s by the deceased’s younger sister that the man hit her head on the wall repeatedly.

Edgal said: “The autopsy revealed that Mrs. Nielson suffered trauma as a result of the impact on her head. Secondly, forensic experts revealed that there were blood stains from the couple’s bedroom to the kitchen.

“Though it was cleverly wiped from the floor, the experts were still able to detect it with the applicatio­n of special chemical reagents.

“In addition, blood stains were also discovered on the washhand basins and on the hand towel the suspect used in wiping his hands after the commission of the offence.

“Although it was cleverly cleaned up as well, the experts were able to discover that too.”

On cooperatio­n from the Danish Embassy, the CP said the embassy has already provided legal representa­tion for the suspect.

He said: “I personally spoke with the ambassador apart from the official correspond­ence. They also arranged for counsel for their citizen, so they are following the process very closely.

“We did not parade the suspect for obvious reasons. Do not forget he’s not a Nigerian and so, there is diplomatic connotatio­ns.

“This is a man being accused of first degree murder. So, it would have been wrong for the police who are going to prosecute him, to also begin to parade him before such prosecutio­n.

“However, he was charged to an open court. We are concerned with ensuring that he is diligently prosecuted and justice is done.”

Nielson was charged to court last week to be remanded in prison custody until May 8, 2018, when the advice from the Directorat­e of Public Prosecutio­n (DPP) would have been received.

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