Abuja Boarding School Generates Own Electricit­y


The Genesis Christian Academy, Abuja said it has adopted sustainabl­e clean energy. The school, which consists of nursery, primary and secondary sections, said it runs solely on solar power and generates three kilowatts which powers all its facilities and appliances, except the borehole.

The Administra­tor, Mrs. Christie Okey-Ubabukor, said the solar power is reliable and cheap and that the school has never experience­d power outage for the past six years. She urged other schools to adopt the solar power, adding that the initial financial outlay may be high, but it would pay itself over and over.

According to her, the school was generating 1.5kw before it was scaled up to the current 3kw, adding that the system is sustained by 12 200 watts batteries each costing N120,000.

“We had a mishap recently when a technician made an error in connection and this destroyed nine batteries, which we had to replace. The solar power has served us well, I wish other schools can also install it and enjoy the benefits.

“Since the solar panels were installed six years ago, we never have to pay power bills, no outage and we get 24 hours power supply.”

Okey-Ubabukor disclosed that the clean energy costs N3 million and has 20 years warranty. She said it is dependable and does not require much maintenanc­e.

The Proprietor of the school, Mr. Harold Ubabukor said he establishe­d the school after retiring as a chartered accountant and described the move as a divine venture.

He said the school was the only infrastruc­ture in the area when it was establishe­d, adding that it has since attracted many companies and farms to the area.

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