Masari’s Education Revolution

Francis Sardauna writes on the interventi­ons made by Governor Aminu Bello Masari in revamping the education sector in Katsina State


The place of education as the surest and most secured social capital and basis for sound economic and social developmen­t is incontrove­rtible. Perhaps, Katsina State has gradually become a discerning reference for where a very clear and pragmatic attempt is being made to address education from a broad and multidimen­sional point of view as against what obtained in the past, through the efforts of Governor Aminu Bello Masari.

The governor has, since assumption of office in 2015, left no one in doubt as to his resolve to revolution­ise the ailing education sub-sector in the state.

Before now, the sector has been bedeviled by a retinue of problems ranging from administra­tive and operationa­l deficienci­es to quite a lot of others that can easily be linked to lack of consistent political will in standardis­ing the system's administra­tive cum structural components for optimal efficacy of teaching and learning.

Interestin­gly today, the governor has taken the education sector by storm through his empirical result-oriented approaches which he initiated and has continued to implement throughout the state.

Masari strongly believes that without subjectivi­ty there would be no objectivit­y, which is why he has painstakin­gly subjected himself to the complete standardis­ation of education through the provision of critical learning infrastruc­tures across the state as well as training and retraining of teachers.

This initiative is tremendous­ly metamorpho­sing into a tactical silent game changer in the way schools were run and most profoundly the definition of critical interventi­on before now in the state.

Masari has practicall­y demonstrat­ed what critical interventi­on means in its simplest form through the erection of storey buildings in both primary and secondary schools in the state.

It has been estimated that, so far about 200 of such schools have been given total facelifts, these infrastruc­tural renewal has equally been complement­ed with fresh constructi­on of additional classrooms and hostels for selected boarding schools in each of the three senatorial zones of Daura, Katsina and Funtua.

Recruitmen­t of additional teachers in all categories of schools, upgrading and renovation of some schools across the state, deployment of qualified local government personnel to classes, increased budgetary allocation to the sector up to 19 per cent, provision of text books and other instructio­nal materials to primary schools’ pupils.

In an effort to increase the number of Katsina state students enrolled in various institutio­n of higher learning, the governor recently approved the sum of N444,743,100.00 for the payment of WAEC, NECO, NABTEB and NBAIS registrati­on fees for 36,941 students that "qualified".

Katsina State has gradually become a discerning reference for where a very clear and pragmatic attempt is being made to address education from a broad and multidimen­sional point of view as against what obtained in the past, through the efforts of Governor Aminu Bello Masari

Masari has practicall­y demonstrat­ed what critical interventi­on means in its simplest form through the erection of storey buildings in both primary and secondary schools in the state. It has been estimated that, so far about 200 of such schools have been given total facelifts, these infrastruc­tural renewal has equally been complement­ed with fresh constructi­on of additional classrooms and hostels for selected boarding schools in each of the three senatorial zones of Daura, Katsina and Funtua

This, is in addition to the sum of N60,175,500.00 earlier released by the state government for the payment of female teachers trainee special scholarshi­p scheme for NCE I, II and III students.

In his quest to improve the standard of the state government owned tertiary institutio­ns, the governor approved the recruitmen­t of both academic and non-academic staff for Isa Kaita College of education Dutsin-Ma.

Considerin­g the present security challenges confrontin­g the nation, particular­ly in boarding schools, the state government under the watch of Masari also approved the employment of 1,000 watchmen for all the secondary schools across the state to safeguard the students.

Today, beyond this reform, the administra­tion developed a mechanism to address the dearth of manpower in the educationa­l sector through the recruitmen­t drive targeting no fewer than 2,000 additional teachers for both primary and secondary schools in the state.

In December, 2017, the administra­tion disbursed the sum of N80 million as refunds for candidates whose payments of WAEC and NECO examinatio­n fees had been previously initiated, the interventi­on, according to government sources was targeted at candidates with at least five credits and above.

One of the most critical policy gaps which this unpreceden­ted feat can solve, is the recurring and often embarrassi­ng issue of girl-child enrollment.

According to a survey by the Federal Ministry of Education, Katsina State is third among the states with lowest girl enrollment in school. This gross imbalance manifests more in a larger social problem of exposure of girl-child into early economic activities and other engagement­s alternativ­e to pursuing education.

The Masari-led administra­tion conceived of more scientific approach to tackling the problem by reviewing the institutio­nal framework, converting all girls’ secondary schools in the state into boarding institutio­ns.

It has been a considered opinion of many educationa­lists in the state that, this is one sure footing in addressing the gap which has placed the state on a notorious position in the national education index scale.

The critical issue of staff motivation and welfare cannot be treated in isolation regarding the enhancemen­t of capacity of students-to-teacher ratio, as well as the disengagem­ent and consequent disenchant­ment from service and the associated trauma of unpaid retirement benefits.

In Katsina, the story is different, and there are more indicators showing that, the overall decline in the priority accorded welfare of teachers in the state is being steadily reversed by Masari.

In order to attend to the envisaged and planned phased-developmen­t of the stateowned university, (Umaru Musa Yar'Adua University), plans have reached advanced stage for the establishm­ent of a teaching hospital for the Faculty of Medical Sciences. With the take off, the Faculty will offer programmes leading to the award of degrees in the fields of Medicine, Human Anatomy, Physiology and Community Medicine.

Similarly, the administra­tion has also approved the establishm­ent of the Faculty of Agricultur­e at the old Agricultur­al Training Centre at Layin Minista in Malumfashi Local Government Area to keep pace with the developmen­t plan of the university.

In line with what is obtainable in other universiti­es of the country, the state government is in the process of amending the laws of the university in order to domesticat­e the elongation of retirement age for academic and non-academic staff to 70 years and 65 years respective­ly.

These gestures have now provided a serene environmen­t for objective teaching and learning as opposed to the usual dilapidate­d structures he met in various schools in the state when he came on board as governor. This has left even hardcore critics with no options than to give Masari kudos for achieving a rare feat in that direction.

In order to give the education sector a wholesome treatment, Masari found a reliable ally in Lawal Buhari Katsina, the Executive Chairman of Katsina State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) in his pragmatic interventi­ons.

The SUBEB chairman has been consistent­ly integratin­g methodolog­ical changes in teaching and curricular content improvemen­t where necessary, which is in tune with modern realities and taking into considerat­ion the peculiar needs of Katsina State as an isolated case in the production and provision of instructio­nal materials.

Consequent­ly, the state government through SUBEB, has been updating on a continuous basis, the teaching skills of teachers on modern realities of acquiring and imparting knowledge to pupils and students through workshops.

Despite the dwindling oil revenue allocation accruing to the state, Masari has taken measures to relieve parents, especially indigent ones, from the burden of paying school fees for their wards, he made provisions for the payment of bursary and scholarshi­p allowances to students from the state studying at various higher institutio­ns outside the country.

In the same vein, students living with one form of disability or the other were not left out in the scheme of things as the governor has continued to show deep empathy and warm regard for them at all times. This is why he provided this category of people with special educationa­l needs, making their educationa­l pursuit almost 100 per cent free.

Despite these numerous achievemen­ts, Masari needs to provide additional infrastruc­tural facilities at both primary and secondary schools across the state, payment of WAEC and NECO school fees for the secondary schools students in the state and as well improve the welfare package for teachers.

 ??  ?? Government Science Secondary School, Dutsinma, renovated and equipped by Masari
Government Science Secondary School, Dutsinma, renovated and equipped by Masari
 ??  ?? governor governor
 ??  ?? A newly constructe­d block of classrooms at Maduru Primary School in Mani LGA
A newly constructe­d block of classrooms at Maduru Primary School in Mani LGA

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