Between Arewa Youths and IPOB


The federal government lost a golden opportunit­y to de-escalate lawlessnes­s by not immediatel­y clamping down on Nnamdi Kanu and members of Arewa youths who have overtly challenged the corporate organism of Nigeria and use every available instrument­ality of the law to keep them in the cooler at least until more urgent national problems are resolved.

The opportunit­y would have infused balance and injected equity in the aggravatio­n of primordial­ly sensationa­lised polity. The Arewa quit notice will continue to resonate in its novel template as the most infantile erosion of corporate national value and a new low in overreachi­ng the threshold of decency.

It’s never too late to effect the arrest of the so-called Arewa youths and Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) exhubrant revolters and finally put all secessioni­st incendiari­es in abeyance.

The disciples of Ipob ideology are quick to interpret it as the right to associate and even venerate it with the garb of freedom of speech as if freedom of speech is an entitlemen­t for a licentious infringeme­nt on the freedom of others.

History has recorded many ideologies that survived generation­s not because of the incendiari­sm and hostility of their founders but because of their viable societal expedienci­es and ascendancy.

The hallmark of such ideologies is never shrouded in esoterism or equivocati­ons as it is apparent in the cases of Ipob and the Northern youth.

Martin Luther was able to immortalis­e his dream, part of which culminated in the emergence of Barack Obama as the first black president of the United States not by violence or insensate rhetoric but through persuasive intellectu­al engagement that compelled Abraham Lincoln and generation­s of white technocrat­s to buy into the abrogation of slave trade even though this historical denouement is being circumvent­ed by Donald Trump’s supremacis­t hegemony.

Nigeria is not an exclusive fiefdom of those that want to defend suicidal ideologies and have brainwashe­d thousands who are herded into confrontat­ion with the state apparatus in their hypnotised gullibilit­y.

The demographi­cs of the patriotic peace loving and the law abiding citizens who also reserve the right to the existentia­l indivisibi­lity of Nigeria are left vulnerable and at the mercy of the Northern youths and the Kanus of this world.

Why would the Ipob overreach itself and threaten those that wanted to exercise their franchise during the last Anambra election? Is one right superior to another?

It is even incomprehe­nsible that this threat has gone unchalleng­ed by the intelligen­tia conclave of the eastern extraction apart.

Kanu and Arewa youth should face the full wrath of the law and the federal government must not vacillate on it. Nigerians are tired of these repugnant threats to their peace. Bukola Ajisola,

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