Duke: Nigeria Growing Population A time Bomb if...

- Bassey Inyang in Calabar

A former Governor of Cross River State, Mr. Donald Duke, has warned that Nigeria’s growing population was a potential time bomb that was waiting to explode.

According to Duke, the increasing population of the country would, in future, either serve as a curse or blessing to the nation depending on the use to which the nation is put.

Relying on available statistics, Duke said Nigeria’s population was growing at a geometrica­l rate, and could increase from the current projection of 190 million to 400 million in the next 50 years.

Duke made the observatio­n while delivering a lecture to participan­ts at a pre-retirement seminar for assistant directors, deputy directors and directors of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) staged by the Chief Executive Officer of African Theme Consults Limited.

At the event which ended yesterday at Transcorp Metropolit­an Hotel in Calabar, Cross River State, the former governor said the current level of unemployme­nt in the country could not be isolated from an increasing population where majority of the youths were idle and unemployed.

He warned that except Nigeria and Nigerians become productive; the country’s population could become its albatross.

“Our nation today is going through a very difficult phase and we are not getting richer but poorer considerin­g our large population and the activities of Boko Haram and kidnapping­s, which are now for economic interest.

“Our biggest problem in Nigeria is unemployme­nt. In 30 years, Nigeria will be the third most populated nation on earth. If we don’t change the trajectory of the country, we have a problem at hand. The beauty of Nigeria is the numbers, but the numbers become a problem if the numbers are not productive. The only way to enjoy the population is by being productive. “The only way you can enjoy your money is to be productive because the government will not protect you. That 85 per cent of Nigerians today are not working and are depending on the 15 per cent that are working, and with this kind of scenario, we do not have disposable income in Nigeria,” Duke said.

The former governor who is credited to have promoted tourism as a means of revenue generation for the state advised the participan­ts to be careful with their retirement benefits so make the proper investment decisions, and also not to be duped by fraudsters who are always looking for retirees to dupe.

“Beware of sugar-coated tongues and anything that sounds so good. Be careful as the more attractive a deal is, the more skeptical you should be as it does not matter if one stays for two to three years before he finally opts for what business to do because Nigeria is a very difficult environmen­t to do business,” Duke said.

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