Yes, it has been ten years since the death of self-acclaimed ‘strongman of Ibadan politics’, Chief Lamidi Ariyibi Akanji Adedibu. He died on June 11, 2008. On that day, the beautiful widow, Bose Adedibu wept and poured out her grief like an opera conductor dreaming in a Handelian mist. While her husband was alive, she had the sweetest experience of the world; she knew what it was to be the sweet heart of the political godfather. She understood what it was to be courted by the lowly-placed, the high and mighty seeking innumerabl­e favours from her husband. But no sooner had her husband died than Alhaja Bose tasted the bitter pill of betrayal. In friendship, she found coldness and in trust, she found treason. No sooner had the remains of her powerful husband were lowered into the grave than his friends and political associates began to desert his political empire and family. One after the other, they deserted the Adedibu family and would not want to have anything to do with the people the strongman left behind. The situation also forced Bose to shun her late husband’s political associates

particular­ly those he assisted when he was alive who later turned their backs on the family. But such dismal happenstan­ce is now a thing of the past. However, sources close to the Adedibu family revealed that it was heart-rending for them to note that the memories of the ‘Alaafin Molete’ have faded from the hearts of even his trusted aides and political associates while he was alive. It was even more heartbreak­ing to note that no newspaper or broadcast station remembered the milestone in the life of the Adedibus. There was no paid advertoria­l in remembranc­e of the late politician who was widely regarded as an unpretenti­ous statesman, even from his state, Oyo State Government. Could it have been that the memories and legacies of Adedibu have been eroded with the passage of time, or it just slipped through the minds of the so-called associates, admirers and friends of the acclaimed ‘Alaafin Molete’? Prompting insinuatio­ns that most of our politician­s have short memories indeed. It is therefore a surprise that ten years after, many have forgotten all about him. Funny how time obscures some heroes, you might say.

In the hitherto enviable and exotic world of Tope Douherty, a popular London socialite, the sky is no longer a silvery and opalescent delight; it is now pitch black and brackish. And sadly, it would take almost forever for things to return to normalcy for her. Her grief is occasioned by the death of her second child, Jordan Omogbolade Douherty. We gathered that the 15-year-old was stabbed to death, when over 100 youths mobbed a birthday party at a community centre in Clockhouse Lane, Collier Row, Romford, East London, penultimat­e Saturday. Jordan is the youngest person to be fatally stabbed in London this year. It is gathered that he attended Harris Academy in Chafford Hundred. Three teenage boys were arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder and taken for questionin­g at different police stations in East London. Jordan was a rapper and featured in a string of YouTube videos

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