Four Thai Boys Rescued from Cave

Hails Thailand cave rescue


As the rescue of the Thai youth football team and their coach from a cave in northern Thailand got under way, four boys were rescued on Sunday and sent for medical treatment at a hospital in Chiang Rai, about 60km away from the cave complex.

The team’s coach and eight other boys remained trapped in the flooded cave, where they have been trapped for two weeks. Officials said the rescue operation was scheduled to resume about 7am local time (12am GMT), depending on the weather. It takes about 11 hours to get to and from the chamber where the remaining eight boys are trapped, along with their coach.

The path, which was used to rescue the four boys on Sunday, is a difficult one to navigate. To exit the cave, the remaining boys, likely malnutriti­oned, are expected to dive a narrow passage, which is 0.6m deep.

Meanwhile, President Muhammadu Buhari commended the Government of Thailand and internatio­nal volunteers in the current efforts to rescue 12 children and their coach trapped in a cave for more than two weeks, with imminent risks of starvation and death.

Reacting to ongoing rescue efforts which are already yielding positive results, President Buhari said Thailand has inspired other developing nations that, despite limited resources, a people can achieve success through their efforts towards emergency response.

‘’In a globalised world, the bond of our common humanity is getting stronger day by day.

‘’Although Thailand is located thousands of miles away from us, we in Nigeria share the pains and difficulti­es of these trapped teenagers who face imminent danger to their lives.

“The way the internatio­nal community responded with empathy and enthusiasm, is evidence that our common humanity is greater than our difference­s.

“When we perceive the victims as our own children, we are bound to identify with the trapped kids and be moved to action,” the President said.

President Buhari is greatly inspired by the response of the Thai government to the crisis; and the dedication and enthusiasm of the rescue teams.

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