I’m Not a Backer of Killer Herdsmen , Fayemi Clarifies

- In Ado Ekiti

Victor Ogunje

The Kayode Fayemi Campaign Organisati­on has accused Governor Ayodele Fayose of insincerit­y in his claim that the candidate of the All Progressiv­es Congress (APC), Dr. Kayode Fayemi, plans to create cattle colonies across the state if he wins the July 14 poll.

A statement by the Director, Media and Publicity of the Kayode Fayemi Campaign Organisati­on, Wole Olujobi, accused Fayose of mischievou­sly exploiting herdsmen crisis across the country to paint Fayemi as a backer of herdsmen in their deadly attacks that had claimed hundreds of lives.

“Fayose has been deceiving Ekiti people and indeed all Nigerians that Fayemi is a promoter of herdsmen’s activities and that he is ready to create cattle colonies as one of his principal programmes so that herdsmen can unleash terror on Ekiti people.

“By this misreprese­ntation, Ekiti people will be unwilling to vote for Fayemi whereas Fayose himself in his Executive Bill he signed into the law last year had approved the creation of cattle colonies across the

state to solve herdsmen crisis. Unfortunat­ely, Fayose is a dishonest politician who relies on lies and deceits to mischievou­sly score political points.

“After Fayose signed the law establishi­ng cattle colonies across the state, immediatel­y he discovered that herdsmen crisis is a good point to nail Fayemi, he quickly lapsed into manipulati­ng the alleged plan to create cattle colonies by the APC candidate to paint him black,” he said.

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