Ahamefula Ogbu

- What exactly inspired you to return despite having what could be better

Nigeria and America are my home.

What part of Nigeria are your parents from?

My dad is from Akure, my Mum is from Ilesa, south west.

So your primary education to the university level was in America?

Split, it was basically between the two places. Most of my primary and secondary school were actually between both places. My parents moved around a lot even when we were in Nigeria, so I spent some time in Akure; then I also spent some time in ….I have to be honest, I can’t remember some names of these schools but I remember the cities. I do remember I spent some time in secondary school in Kaba, Kogi State before coming back to finish secondary school.

opportunit­ies outside Nigeria?

I think one other thing that people don’t understand is that when you are abroad, sometimes, you will always feel left out. I guess because, yes, many people ask me questions where I am from, people don’t understand, they have very low expectatio­ns of Africa. In fact, very low expectatio­ns of Nigeria and the Nigeria you know is different from the Nigeria they know. So, when you are trying to explain to people where you are from, then sometimes, you feel defeated because there is so much negative informatio­n in the world about Nigeria, about Africa. I think from very young age, I spent time really trying to educate people about Nigeria because at that time, I only knew about Nigeria; I didn’t know Africa which I was later exposed to but at that time I always tried to educate people about Nigeria because people will always have the wrong notion. I remember when I was at a friend’s house and they had served and I wasn’t that hungry and

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