Exposing Our Gallant Soldiers


The military authoritie­s have been evidently economical with the truth concerning the Boko Haram attack on an army post in Zari, Guzamala Local Government Area of Borno State, 10 days ago. While the army has denied the heavy casualty on its side, unofficial sources in the village, located close to the border with Niger Republic, revealed that Nigerian soldiers were left exposed and that scores of our gallant soldiers were killed by the terrorists. Hundreds of Boko Haram fighters in trucks stormed the base and briefly seized it after a fierce battle.

At least 30 Nigerian soldiers were initially said to have been killed during the raid.

Military sources in Maiduguri also revealed to AFP on Monday that the death toll had risen to 48. The sources said: “The casualty toll now stands at 48 with the recovery of 17 more bodies of soldiers in surroundin­g bushes in Zari by search and rescue teams. Search operations are still ongoing and more bodies are likely to be recovered,” a military source who did not want to be named told AFP.

Another military source confirmed the new death toll: “So far, the bodies of 48 troops have been recovered. Yesterday, rescue teams found 17 bodies of fallen soldiers. When the troops were overwhelme­d by the terrorists they withdrew in different directions,” he said, adding that they included two officers and 46 soldiers.

I still can’t understand why the military authoritie­s think they can cover up this massacre of our soldiers. It can’t happen in this era of social media. It seems that they have also forgotten that these fallen heroes have families, friends and relations, who will willingly, give informatio­n to the press. It is a shame that our heroes are persistent­ly exposed and cheaply killed by these terrorists.

The soldiers and officers killed in Zari were obviously exposed and did not get reinforcem­ent when they were overwhelme­d. This happens persistent­ly to our ill-equipped and ill-motivated heroes. Unfortunat­ely, there is no hope that this will end very soon.

For how long shall we continue to bury our gallant soldiers?For how long shall Boko Haram continue to kill them cheaply? The embarrassi­ng invasion of a military base in Garunda, Mobar Local Government Area of Borno State, bythe terrorists remains fresh in our memory. They looted weapons and vehicles from the Garunda military base, killing 17 soldiers while unspecifie­d number of soldiers is yet to be accounted for.

Again, early last month, Boko Haram ambushed a military convoy in Bama, Borno State. In the ensuing fight, scores of soldiers from the 21 Brigade and some Civilian JTF members were feared killed. Also, on July 14, the terrorists attacked a military base in Jilli village, Geidam, Yobe State, killing dozens of soldiers, with many others injured. Boko Haram simply overwhelme­d men of the 81 Division Forward Brigade located in the village. All the lies about having degraded Boko Haram have collapsed like a pack of cards.

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