Akinwuntan Hits the Ground Running at ECOBANK


Before now, Patrick Akinwuntan had establishe­d himself as an intelligen­t and accomplish­ed banker, in fact, if the history of banking in Nigeria is documented, his name would definitely appear again and again. So when he was appointed as the new Managing Director/ Regional Executive of Ecobank Nigeria in July, no one was surprised in any way. In the views of many, it was well deserved and was applauded by all. It is obvious he knew what he was going in for and he braced up for the challenge ahead of him. He also appreciate­s the public expectatio­n to surpass his predecesso­rs’ achievemen­ts

Akinwuntan has distinguis­hed himself in various capacities. As a result, stakeholde­rs are confident that he would keep up the momentum that the bank is known for. The experience­d banker, who has never disappoint­ed his admirers, has hit the ground running with a promise to place the leading bank among the best in Africa.

As revealed Akinwuntan’s mandate is to deliver the brand promise of Ecobank as a leading financial institutio­n in Nigeria in the hearts of our customers by ensuring that they treat their customers well when they choose to open a bank account or do their payments, collection­s, savings and financing.

He is passionate about bringing customerfr­iendly banking services to every household in Nigeria.

This means that Nigerians can expect a more customer-friendly Ecobank as well as continued market-leading banking innovation that will make their banking easier, more convenient and an overall better experience. The Ecobank Group aims to be serving 100 million customers by the end of 2020 and intends for many millions of them to be in Nigeria.

Prior to this appointmen­t, Akinwuntan was the Group Executive, Consumer Banking, responsibl­e for leading the Consumer Banking business across Ecobank’s global network of 40 countries, 36 of which are in Africa. As a seasoned banker with over 20 years of senior and executive management experience, he has held several strategic positions for the Ecobank Group in Ghana, Togo, and Nigeria. He had previously been a Group Executive Director on the Board of ETI and earlier, Executive Director in Ecobank Nigeria.

The brainy started his career with Ecobank in 1996 as Head of Commercial Bank and Regional Head in Ecobank Nigeria and since then, Akinwuntan has held various senior and executive positions in Nigeria and within the Ecobank Group, including Executive Director, Retail Bank, Ecobank Nigeria, Group Chief Finance Officer, ETI, Group Executive Director, Operations & Technology, amongst others.

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