Florence Ita-Giwa’s Commitment


It seems Florence Ita Giwa, a former SpecialAdv­iser to former President Olusegun Obasanjo, has entered a covenant of sorts with her creator to dedicate the rest of life to the service of humanity.

If you are in doubt, you will have a rethink when you consider her passion for her Non-Government­al Organizati­on, a philosophy bouyed by Anatole France’s words: “Without genuine love towards humanity, there is no love for motherland. “

Perhaps, this explains why she is committed to tackling the issue of human traffickin­g and sex slavery, which in recent times has been her major preoccupat­ion.

As gathered, the woman with deep pockets would be having a special stage presentati­on of the campaign against human traffickin­g and sex slavery and unveiling of the 2018 Carnival Calabar with the theme: From Pessimism to Optimism

The launch, which will be graced by eminent personalit­ies from different walks of life, holds at Oriental Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos.

It was revealed that top Nigerian music acts such as 9ice, Yinka Davies and Carnival Calabar Revelers are expected to add flavour to the event.

Top personalit­ies such as Governor of Cross River State, Prof. Ben Ayade and the Chairman, Carnival Commission Calabar, Gabriel Onah among others are expected to grace the occasion that would take place tomorrow.

Since she left the corridor of power, Ita-Giwa has fully dedicate her time and money to the service of humanity. She has proven to the world that no joy is equal to the joy of serving others. Her service to her immediate environmen­t is almost unequalled.

Spyglass gathered that she expends millions of Naira every year on the education of the less-privileged children she brought out of Bakassi, many of whom school abroad.

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