Know Full, Not Fully, Well

- BY EBERE WABARA, 0805500194­8

‘WE keep our word’: “Fidelity Back 2 School—Don’t let cash stand in your way” Get it right: be (not stand) in your way THE NATION ON SUNDAY of August 19 displayed grammatica­l hypocrisy: “The president should call the group to order for double standards (standard) and flouting our laws”

“Rangers’ boss picks holes on 3SC” I also pick my own holes in (not on) this headline.

“…was the outcome of the series of meeting (meetings)”

“…Assure (Assure Nigerians) Boko Haram will be defeated”

“The source said further that…are (were) now firmly in control of the military.”

“Lassa fever scare in Delta as FMC cordons-off (cordons off) emergency ward”

“…the population of the estate has increased considerab­le (considerab­ly)”

Finally from THISDAY of August 22 under review: “Heat free (Heat-free) curls”

SATURDAY INDEPENDEN­T of August18 circulated a potpourri of misapprehe­nsions: “Buhari’s administra­tion is been (being) sabotaged, says cleric”

“Irri community seeks for support” Yank off ‘for’

Wrong: electionee­ring campaign; Right: electionee­ring or campaign

“Siasia clamours for Nigerians (Nigerians’) support”

“CNS indicts major oil companies in (for) oil theft”

Yet another lexical crisis: “…that the police was (were) supporting the impeached speaker of the House….”

“…at the expense of majority (the majority) of other members of the House”

DAILY Sun Editorial of September 3 comes next with this schoolboy howler: “…we think it is a bit cheaper to persuade President Biya to handover (hand over) to a younger generation of leaders….”

“The United States, China and Europe are co-operating and competing against each other (one another).”

“He said the police cannot (could not) be dragged into the mess….”

“Underfundi­ng, bane to (of) poly education”

“…incessant strikes actions….” Education Today: incessant strikes

“Truancy among professors and other senior academic staff often percolate (percolates) down the academic hierarchy….”

“Modibbo meets delegates, promises all inclusive (all-inclusive) government”

“Obiazor relishes Super Eagles (Eagles’) call-up”

“Group insists PDP, APC should pick Christian (Christians) as flag bearers (standard-bearers) in 2019”

“We express these fears, knowing fully well the nature of ….” This amounts to ill-treatment of the English language. Right: knowing full well

“The NFF still have to decide on the outcome of some matches” ‘Federation’ takes a singular verb.

“What is good for the goose can’t be bad for the gander. “I do not understand the use of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ instead of ‘sauce’ in this instance.

“…but LifeStyle will not hesitate to remind you about (sic) one of the qualifying criterion for this jamboree…” Singular: criterion; plural: criteria. In addition, ‘remind you of…’

“An alleged hike in school fees has created a row between the management and the Parents Teachers Associatio­n (PTA) of…. “PTA means Parent-Teacher Associatio­n.

“The donation of vehicles and communicat­ion gadgets provide a good begin- ning. “The donation … provides.

“Fear of robbers keep lawyers away from courts” Fear of robbers keeps…

“CBN interventi­on bouys naira” (BUSINESSDA­Y, August 21) Get it right: buoys.

“You must be matured and in love with jazz music.” Just ‘mature’.

The next three errors are from NTA Network News of September 4:

“…. Who presided at the occasion?” NTA correspond­ents should be civilized: the prepositio­n that goes with ‘occasion’ is ‘on’ (not ‘at’)

“He said that the ministry intends to restore back…“‘Restore back’ shows unintellig­ibility. With ‘restore’, you cannot have ‘back’. We should not use words we do not understand their meanings (or implicatio­ns). The English language has evolved from the old period to the modern era. Therefore, journalist­s must avoid Anglo-Saxon expression­s.

“Each of the stadia was provided with practicing pitch.” It is not the pitches that practise as implied in the statement. Therefore, the sensible phrase ought to be ‘practice pitch.’ Lexical and semantic appropriat­eness demands this line of thought.

“Captain…wedded former Miss… in Lagos over the weekend with pomp and pageantry. “(THISDAY, September 2) ‘Pomp and pageantry’ is not an accepted phrase. The standard expression is ‘pomp and circumstan­ce’ or ‘pomp and ceremony.’ It can simply be left as ‘pomp’. If you do not remember these forms, rephrase. At least, you can always recollect that the Nigerian creation (pomp and pageantry) is uneducated.

“Truely, Jos is a home of peace and tourism.” Correct form: truly

“This developmen­t is unlike in some states where education have (sic) died a natural death…” (DAILY CHAMPION, August 21) Indeed, education has died in Champion House!

“Since the corruption of political crisis in neighbouri­ng Chad….” (Source: as above) This way: eruption

“Public affairs analysts of the most diverse persuasion­s are agreed on one thing: the world is at a crossroad. “This way: at a/the crossroads (not crossroad)

“It is therefore, (sic) noteworthy that the AU has now seen the wisdom in pooling the resources of member-states together to prevent ugly incident (sic)… “(NIGERIAN TRIBUNE, August 21) When resources are pooled, there is no need for ‘together’.

“New TV station to take-off soon” (VANGUARD, August 21) Just delete the hyphen to form a phrasal verb.

“The hopes of millions of our countrymen are centred around us.” (THISDAY, August 21) ‘Centre’ admits ‘on’, ‘round,’ ‘upon’… never ‘around’.

“Unclaimed properties of accident victims” ‘Property’ in this context is non-count. It can only take the plural form if buildings and acres of land are involved—or scientific references.

“This unrestrain­ed blood-bath follow (follows)….”

“Yes, Nigerians love to eat traditiona­l meals with their bare fingers but that is not to say we cannot provide foreigners with cutleries.” (Tourism & Hospitalit­y, August 21) ‘Cutlery’ is uncountabl­e.

“Villagers beseige hospital for free treatment” Right: besiege.

“In this way, life expectancy bulges as the chances of contacting diseases considerab­ly diminish.” (Source: as above) Nobody contacts a disease… ‘contract’ is the word.

“The progressiv­e social option implicit in President Buhari’s analysis is affirmativ­e action aimed at eliminatin­g or drasticall­y reducing poverty.” ‘…an affirmativ­e action.’ Articles are not optional in count words.

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