Okeahialam Promises Ahiazu/Ezinhitte Youths ‘Real Future’

The people of Ahiazu/Ezinhitte Federal Constituen­cy in Imo State have had representa­tives in the House of Representa­tives since the creation of the area. They certainly have had but it is unlikely to be like the kind of representa­tion that a young Ekezie


The young economist has expressed his determinat­ion to change the course of things by pioneering a workable youth empowermen­t programme like never seen before in the history of governance in Ahiazu/Ezinhitte or indeed in Nigeria.

“Things have got to change in Nigeria and with a start at my own constituen­cy. We have to measure the way we are represente­d at the both the state and federal levels by what we actually give back to those we are representi­ng in real terms. At the end of every tenure, Nigerians must be able to appreciate the impact we have made to their lives and the area in clear terms without any marketing from us.

“The electorate­s must able to count on their fingertips what our presence in Abuja has been able to do for them. I want to help transit Imo State from a cost centre to a revenue generating state by stimulatin­g private sector and consumer spending through the commercial­isation of sports and entertainm­ent.

“Expert studies over time have proven that sports and entertainm­ent is the only viable industry suitable for the economic structure of Imo State that can stimulate economic business activities in these areas which I will mention here. They are food and beverage industries; hotels and hospitalit­y; clothing and textile – merchandis­ing; flights and tourism; nightlife spending and of course talent developmen­t and representa­tion.” And the young entreprene­ur adds. “I will utilize all available human resources to lobby, negotiate and attract value-driven benefits for the Ahiazu/ Ezinihitte constituen­cy through the policies and activities of committees such as aids, loans and debt management committee dealing with immediate and sustainabl­e aid and loan reliefs. We should have basic education and service committee to negotiate access to better healthcare for the constituen­cy. The labour, employment and productivi­ty committee should be able to drive empowermen­t for men, women and youth of the constituen­cy.”

Ekezie can draw up these lists because he has been truly tested as a profession­al. While at one of Africa’s biggest tourism and travels company, Limited, it took less than a year to move up from the position of a Business Developmen­t Specialist to the Chief Operating Officer of the Continenta­l Basketball League. CBL is produced and operated by Continenta­l Sports and Entertainm­ent and CSE is Africa’s leading sports and entertainm­entmanagem­ent company modelled to create sustainabl­e brand developmen­t; events and lifestyle properties.

Ekezie is one the strong backbones driving the continenta­l success. As the Chief Operating Officer, he is the number two decision maker and in charge of all footprint locations and operations across 8 African countries.

It is such expertise and exposure that the young Ekezie wants to put to use for the people of Imo state and indeed Nigeria in general at the National Assembly. Since his campaign train hit the tracks the people of his constituen­cy have expressed their happiness that resourcefu­l young Nigerians are taking up the challenge of governance. His campaign rallies and meetings have been attended by the highest number of youths and profession­als and have been largely adjudged as the most civil in nature.

“What we are doing is what the clergy refer to as a calling. I am into with all my conscience and with a determinat­ion to change the way we operate and make things work. It is possible to make governance is Nigeria work as it is United States of America, France and elsewhere.”

Ekezie Johnbosco Okeahialam was born March 11, 1983 at St. Michael Maternity Clinic in Obokwu, Ezinihitte Mbaise to the family of Chief Engr. Ignatius Ekenna Okeahialam and Ezinne Dr. Bar Lolo Celine Ukachi Okeahialam. He was at St. Bridget’s Primary School Abayi, Aba. He moved on Dallas County Community Colleges in the United States for his first degree where he finished with a first class degree in Economics and went on to acquire master’s degree in Business Analytics and Consulting at Warwick Business Business, Warwick University, United Kingdom.

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