2019: We Didn’t Violate Any Law in Buying Ticket for Buhari, Says NCAN

- Onyebuchi Ezigbo

An All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) lobby group, the Nigeria Consolidat­ion Ambassador Network (NCAN) has said that they would soon make a formal presentati­on of the nomination form for the presidenti­al ticket of the party to President Muhammadu Buhari, adding that they violated no law in buying the forms.

The group that caught the attention of the Nigerian political scene on the account its daring move to purchase APC’s nomination form on behalf of the president yesterday defended its action saying that the Electoral Act did not bar individual­s to collective­ly tax themselves and contribute funds to help buy nomination form for an aspirant.

Addressing journalist­s in Abuja, the National Coordinato­r of NCAN, Sanusi Musa, said that the group took time to study the legal provisions and there was nowhere the Electoral Act mentioned donations to aspirants.

Instead, Musa said that the extant laws referred to contributi­ons in support of a party’s candidate in an election which under the circumstan­ce, was not the case with what the group did.

Speaking on the allegation­s that the group may have been sponsored by governor, Yahaya Bello, of Kogi state, Musa denied any such thing.

He said that the group had taken time to mobilise its members across the country and was able to raise amounts in excess of the cost of the presidenti­al nomination form.

“Well, let me say that I, as a person never met Governor Yahaya Bello. I don’t know him, he doesn’t know me as a person. Of course for members of our group in the State, he might have known some of them but as an associatio­n since it was formed in August 2017, I have never made any efforts to meet Governor Yahaya Bello or any other governor to solicit financial support,” he said.

Although the group did not say when, Musa told journalist­s that they were planning to formally present the form to President Buhari when he must have settled down after his official visit to China.

NCAN had on Wednesday purchased the Expression of Interest and Nomination forms for President Buhari at the cost of N45 million.

According Musa, the group embarked on the project based on the recognitio­n that the President has started laying a good foundation for a better Nigeria and that there is need to consolidat­e on the gains so far made.

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