At Home With the Governor of Nairobi Mike Sonko

- Abuja: TELEPHONE Lagos:

I was honoured to be invited to the country home of the Governor of Nairobi, Hon. Mike Sonko. The occasion was the third memorial service for his beloved dad, Mr Gideon Kioko Kivanguli (1949-2015). I was privileged to lay the wreath at a special mausoleum constructe­d for the great man.

I’ve been in Kenya countless times and have met several politician­s, including the Vice President, Mr William Ruto (born December 21, 1966). I’m yet to meet the the two term President, Mr Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta, a businessma­n, and son of Kenya’s first President, Pa Jomo Kenyatta, who was born on October 26, 1961. I’m older than both of them. No matter my experience or exposure and personal success in my chosen career, it would be difficult, if not near impossible, to attain such spectacula­r feats in my dear country Nigeria. Kenyans did not vote for them, twice, because they thought they were saints from heaven. Kenyans voted because they represent the future they envisage for their country. As a matter of fact, both leaders attracted so much controvers­ies before attaining power, but they managed to weather the storm. You must salute their wisdom in reaching out to the Opposition and healing their divided nation.

As for the Governor of Nairobi, he was born on February 27, 1975, a year before I wrote my WAEC examinatio­n. He was also a businessma­n before he ventured into politics. He controls the Kenya’s largest city, a megacity like Lagos State in Nigeria. His popularity is unbelievab­le. He loves Nigeria very dearly and hopes to tap into the boundless energy and the never-say-die spirit of Nigerians. I was touched by his respect and kind and generous words for Nigeria, and Lagos city in particular. He told me he has heard so much about the ongoing beautifica­tion in Lagos and he looks forward to linking up with his counterpar­t, Governor Akinwunmi Ambode, in the near future.

I met several other young politician­s in the course of my visit this week, and it was such an eye opener. I’m hoping that our own youths would end their complacenc­y and take the bull by the horns.

It is not impossible…

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