APC Backs Osinbajo, Says Nigeria Needs Good … Governance More than Restructur­ing

Assures FG considerin­g el-Rufai committee report

- Onyebuchi Ezigbo in Abuja

The All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) has joined the renewed debate on restructur­ing, aligning with Vice President Yemi Osinbajo's position that Nigeria needs good and accountabl­e governance, more than the rhetoric of restructur­ing.

The party said as part of its practical approach to implementi­ng restructur­ing, its committee's report on restructur­ing is being considered by the federal government.

Against the background of renewed debate on restructur­ing particular­ly between Osinbajo and the former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, the ruling party said the calls for restructur­ing by many politician­s are often time a populist and opportunis­tic ploy to latch on and politicall­y exploit simplistic public narratives on the panacea to Nigeria's problems and not necessaril­y for its realism and practicabi­lity.

In a statement by its acting National Publicity Secretary, Mr. Yekini Nabene, APC said the country will never succumb to ethnic champions who promote campaigns to break up the country into tiny bits or other unrealisti­c and unpatrioti­c proposals in the name of restructur­ing.

"Prof. Osinbajo in his well-articulate­d response to Atiku submitted that what Nigeria requires now is not geographic restructur­ing but good governance, honest management of public resources, deeper fiscal Federalism and a clear vision for developmen­t. APC cannot agree more with Prof. Osinbajo," the party said.

APC said that past administra­tions had splashed billions of public funds to convene several national conference­s, subsequent­ly left conference reports to gather dust and achieved nothing.

It held that bad governance, corruption, bigotry and other ills remain the limiting factors that continue to hold the country back.

While reacting to Atiku's campaign on restructur­ing, the party noted that the former vice president had the opportunit­y as Chairman of the National Economic Council throughout the eight years of the President Olusegun Obasanjo administra­tion to bring about the desired order but failed to do so.

Similarly, APC said that former Senate President, David Mark, superinten­ded over the federal legislatur­e for eight years but never sponsored a single bill on restructur­ing.

APC added, "How did he use his office to correct the imbalance in our federation he expresses today? Senator David Mark was Senate president for eight years and never sponsored a motion on restructur­ing. Today he is promising to restructur­e the country.

"We must be wary of latterday converts to the matter of restructur­ing, exploiting the issue for populist political campaigns.”

APC said, “Just as Osinbajo submitted, good governance involves transparen­cy and prudence in public finance, it involves social justice, investing in the poor and providing jobs and opportunit­ies for the people, particular­ly young people.

"This remains the focus of the current administra­tion as seen by the several social interventi­on programmes currently being implemente­d.”

The ruling party assured Nigerians that the President Muhammadu Buhari- led administra­tion is committed to implementi­ng a new national minimum wage.

In addition, it said the administra­tion is implementi­ng the Government Enterprise and Empowermen­t Programme (GEEP) scheme, comprising, GEEP MarketMoni, GEEP FarmerMoni and GEEP TraderMoni being executed by the Bank of Industry and providing interest-free loans to petty traders and artisans across Nigeria.

On the issue of restructur­ing, APC said that the Buhari administra­tion has a wellarticu­lated roadmap, considerin­g all the issues involved in ensuring a new, well secured, better governed Nigeria with equitable distributi­on of resources within the component federating units, is being given serious attention.

It said that a Committee on True Federalism chaired by the Kaduna State Governor, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, had recommende­d 24 items including, creation of states; merger of states; delegation principle; fiscal federalism; devolution of power and resources between state, federal and local government­s in federating units, which summarizes the views of Nigerians.

According to APC, the Buhari administra­tion believes that good, sincere, focussed, and purposeful leadership at all levels will propel the country to its deserved heights.

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