
Ighodalo Drug overdose is very common now among youths. An overdose is considered a life-threatenin­g emergency. People who take in addictive drugs on a regular basis often find that they need to take more and more of the same drug in order to feel the euphoria they crave.

Brain cells become accustomed to the ongoing presence of drugs and it takes bigger doses to overcome brain cell inertia and deliver a big punch of charge with a drug hit.

To keep these charged brain cells happy, people then take bigger drug doses, but those big doses can overwhelm the body’s vital systems.

When that happens, people can overdose, and sadly, overdose is common. Signs of overdose include unconsciou­sness, slow and irregular breathing, cold body temperatur­e, sweating, vomitting, unusual heart rate, chest pain, anxiety or disorienta­tion, seizures an shivering.

That means families and friends simply must know what overdose symptoms are. That way, they can provide vital help and attention in the event of an overdose. These are the signs that could indicate that an overdose is happening. Codeine is not water, neither is Tramadol food but recovery is possible by seeking help and thinking anti-drugs. The society is to support and don't punish, as well as stop all forms of stigmatisa­tion.

... Ighodalo is the President, The Drug Salvation Foundation and Focal Person, South West Zone, Community Interventi­on Network on Drugs (CIND) Nigeria, a network of CSOs working on drugs in Nigeria.

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