GOFAMINT Asks Nigerians to Pray to Avert War

- TobiSoniyi

The Gospel Faith Mission Internatio­nal (GOFAMINT) has urged all Nigerians irrespecti­ve of religious leanings to pray against any outbreak of war in the country.

The call was contained in a statement by the church’s Public Relations Officer, Pastor Taiwo Holo, asking Nigerians to earnestly seek God in order to avert major national crisis

The statement quoted GOFAMINT’s General Overseer, Pastor Elijah Abina, pointing the need for sustained prayers for Nigeria during a prayer rally organised to mark Nigeria’s 58th Independen­ce DayAnniver­sary.

Abina said the signs at the moment in the polity were ominous but with fervent prayers, evil he said couldbeave­rted.

He said further that, for Nigeria as a country, the coming together of more than 250 ethnic groups and nationalit­ies in one geographic­al space was not a mincemeat.

According to him, it requires great wisdom to manage a country such as ours.

Noting that Nigeria has been together under the name Nigeria for more than a century now, the general overseer said it was too late to break up the country.

“What we need is good leadership not break up. Nigeria needs leaders who will rule withthefea­rof God at heart ”, he said.

Quoting from the Holy Bible, the book of I Timothy 2: 1 Abina said all believers must rise and pray for people in authority to manage the affairs of the country well.

He said Nigeria leaders have tried their best but said there seemed to be nothing to show for their best.

According to him, it was high time Nigeria too became a destinatio­n for all who sought good living condition where people are happy to live in rather than seeking greener pastures in other countries.

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