Ahmed Musa Ibeto’s Humiliatio­n


Are you a good scriptwrit­er? If yes, you may be interested in knitting a story around the political life of former Nigeria’s Ambassador to South Africa, Alhaji Ahmed Ibeto, and you can be assured it will make a box office success.

To say that the former deputy governor of Niger State has been humiliated is an understate­ment. He has been ridiculed and left in the cold, as his age-long dream of governing the state has fizzled out before his very eyes.

Last Saturday, he lost the Peoples Democratic Party’s ticket to his former friend and colleague, Umar Nasko.

“It is sad seeing a man who was once considered as one of the topmost political gladiators in the state losing out to a young man like Nasko. Ibeto was a councilor, council’s chairman, House of Representa­tives member as well as deputy governor and an ambassador. But his loss has confirmed that he was a mere paper tiger,’’ a source said.

Many would not forget in a hurry how Ibeto betrayed his former boss, Aliyu Babangida in 2014 when he was denied the PDP ticket by the then governor.

Nasko was the ex-governor’s anointed candidate, a developmen­t that caused bad blood between the two.

He eventually left the party in annoyance for the APC, which eventually won the state gubernator­ial election.

For his effort, he was compensate­d with an ambassador­ial position to South Africa. But he was adamant on becoming the governor.

However, the state governor, Bello, is seeking reelection. When Ibeto realized the danger this posed to his ambition, he returned to his former party, PDP. Now, he has suffered another humiliatio­n as his ambition has been met with a kiss of death.

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