An Unusual Independen­ce Anniversar­y

The relationsh­ip gap between the presidency and the leadership of the National Assembly was pronounced at this year’s Independen­ce Day anniversar­y celebratio­ns, writes Olaseni Durojaiye


It is trite to reiterate that one of the factors that has bogged down Nigeria as a social unit is lack of patriotic leadership, compounded by poor followersh­ip. Indeed the country is in dire need of genuine statesmen and the want of it has continuall­y retarded its growth and developmen­t at all levels. The importance of the role of statesman in the quest for good leadership is not quantifiab­le. The late South African leader, Dr. Nelson Mandela, demonstrat­ed some of the finest characters of a statesman and patriotic leader, when he guided South Africa from a racially divided apartheid enclave to becoming a rainbow nation.

Rather than seek vengeance and revenge for the apartheid era, which inflicted ills on the black people and some colour nationals, he towed the path of true and holistic reconcilia­tion and healed the nation of its many wounds.

Such a leadership dispositio­n fetched him accolades and respects from within South Africa’s multi-ethnic black people and people of good conscience across the globe. That is the mark of true leadership, which also explains why his legacy continues to endure.

Unfortunat­ely, Nigeria continues to grope in search of same. Rather, the country appears cursed with political elite that see everything from the prism of personal interest, and sometimes, from parochial and ethno-centric considerat­ions. It has never been anything near altruistic or nationalis­tic underpinni­ngs.

That is one of the silent takeaways from the 58th Independen­ce celebratio­ns that held on Monday, with the absence of the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki and Speaker of the House of Representa­tives, Hon. Yakubu Dogara at the Eagle Square venue of the event.

Nigeria’s 58th Independen­ce Day anniversar­y celebratio­n was nostalgic in a way. It returned to how it used to be: open air, elaborate and colourful. It was the first open air celebratio­n since the 2010 edition, which was marred by bomb blasts allegedly mastermind­ed by members of the Movement for the Emancipati­on of the Niger Delta (MEND). Until this year’s edition, all other such celebratio­ns had held at the forecourt of the Presidenti­al Villa, Abuja.

The absence of Saraki and Dogara recalls the defection of the two from the ruling All Progressiv­es Congress (APC) weeks back. Since the defections, the two leaders of the legislativ­e arm of government and President Muhammadu Buhari have had a cat and mouse relationsh­ip due to their political difference­s.

Before the trio fell out, both Saraki and Dogara, upon assuming their present offices, had attended similar celebratio­ns, leading political observers to conclude that their absence was not unconnecte­d to the political disagreeme­nts between them.

One would have expected that the trio would set aside their difference­s, suspend their political feud, at least in the interest of the nation. It is unthinkabl­e that the President of the United States would host a Fourth July celebratio­ns and president of the United States Senate and the House Speaker would stay away for whatever reasons other than unavoidabl­e indisposit­ion.

Analysts contended that the trio deserves some flak. When will the nation’s political leaders rise above petty politickin­g and ascend to a level, where their actions and decisions on state matters are founded purely on altruistic and nationalis­tic reasoning.

How would it have been had the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Honourable Justice Walter Onnoghen shunned the anniversar­y celebratio­n, perhaps, because he was displeased with the Presidency as a result of the onslaught on some high ranking justices?

Although Saraki appeared to have a better understand­ing of the import of their actions hence to douse any misgivings and conspiracy theorists, his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Yusuph Olaniyonu, explained that he had other important political engagement­s to attend to.

According to him, “The Senate President and a frontline presidenti­al aspirant on the platform of the PDP is currently not in Abuja. He is at the moment in his home state, Kwara. The governorsh­ip primary is holding today (on Monday) in Kwara and he must be present and after that, he will be holding a meeting with Kogi State delegates to the PDP National Convention. These are two very important assignment­s that require his attention,” he reportedly told the media. On the part of Dogara, his spokesman, Turaki Hassan said he was unaware if his boss was invited to the event or why he absented himself. “Actually I am out of Abuja and I don’t know what is happening there,” he had said.

Many analysts and political observers insisted both reasons do not add up and called for a more nationalis­tic approach to state issues in future from all the parties, including the presidency.

However, President Buhari deserves more of the blame. Some observers reasoned that the president couldn’t have forced the duo to attend the event against their wishes. True. But the flip side is, with the right leadership approach and political will from the president, he could have still got them to attend, and heavens would not fall.

Rather, it would have saved the nation the negative perception the internatio­nal community drew from their absence and further denting his reputation as lacking the requisite statesman leadership skills that many credited him with going into the 2015 election.

Going forward, President Buhari must act like the father to all. Irrespecti­ve of political difference­s, ethnicity or religious inclinatio­ns, the president, as the father and leader of the nation must shun interest peddlers, place national interest and unity above all other considerat­ions. He must show true leadership devoid of party interests in matters of state and the advancemen­t of good governance – the type that makes the world to continue to revere Mandela, even in death.

 ??  ?? Buhari with former military heads of state Yakubu Gowon and Abdusalami Abubakar at the nation’s 58th independen­cy anniversar­y
Buhari with former military heads of state Yakubu Gowon and Abdusalami Abubakar at the nation’s 58th independen­cy anniversar­y

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