Dafinone: Departure of an African Trail Blazer

For family and friends and in spite of the outburst of emotions the recent passing of Senator David Dafinone at 91, remains the celebratio­n of a life well spent, writes Omon-Julius Onabu


He obviously lived to an appreciabl­y ripe age of 91, but his passing has triggered the kind of emotion suggestive only of a profound sense of loss among the high and mighty as well as those of lowly estate in the society. Since the announceme­nt of his demise in the morning of Sunday, September 30, 2018, outpouring of eulogies for Nigeria’s Second Republic Senator, David Omueya Dafinone, has come from President Muhammadu Buhari, Delta State Governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa and the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki.

Former governors of Delta State, Chief James Ibori and Dr. Emmmanuel Uduaghan, Professor Pat Utomi, numerous traditiona­l rulers in Delta State, particular­ly of the Urhobo ethnic extraction as well as profession­al and socio-cultural organisati­ons, including the socio-cultural organisati­on, Urobo Progress Union (UPU), have also poured accolades on Dafinone as a man of towering stature.

President Buhari, in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina, described Dafinone as a renowned chartered accountant, who was willing to serve his fatherland in whatever capacity he was called upon to do so.

Okowa, through his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Charles Aniagwu, lamented that the departure of the great son of the state and Nigeria had robbed the nation of his committed service and wise counsel.

In the same vein, the senate president through his media aide, Mr. Yusuph Olaniyonu, described the deceased as a highly skilled profession­al, principled politician and respected community leader, who devoted his entire life towards the uplift of the society.

Ibori described Dafinone as Jack of many trades, who yet became a master of all he ventured into.

“Dafinone achieved this because he lived life to the fullest, embraced challenges and also excelled in everything he did,” adding that Dafinone, who served as a member of the state’s Special Advisory Council, was globally reputed as a Chartered Accountant even though he actually studied Economics.

Born in the seaport town of Sapele on March 12, 1927, the conferment of the rare honour of the Guinness World Records was a global acknowledg­ement of the consistent commitment of Dafinone to the accountanc­y profession and business management with which he infected his entire family.

At a time, England-based Guinness World Records rarely looked to Africa and Africans for its selection of record-making achievemen­ts, Dafinone became the doyen of Accountanc­y with great Nigerians like Akintola Williams but he was extraordin­ary with a resounding record. His family has the largest number of chartered accountant­s in the world!

Dafinone was a prophet, who was honoured at home as he was in the larger society and overseas. The Urhobo Historical Society noted thus, “The recognitio­n of our own Senator David Dafinone and his children for being the first family in history to produce the largest number of chartered accountant­s is extraordin­ary.

“This is a profession that is not native to Nigeria. Chartered accountant­s are peculiarly a British club of talented men and women. Urhobo Historical Society proudly celebrates the fact that an Urhobo-man has beaten the odds and is so honoured with his entire family.”

He had his early education in Benin-City but finished his secondary education at Abeokuta Grammar School in present day Ogun State. He later became an employee of the then colonial service working at the Northern Secretaria­t in Kaduna.

Dafinone worked in Records and Registrati­on Department and when his immediate superior was promoted, he was appointed administra­tive officer in acting capacity of the Finance Department. At the finance department, his function was to make treasury estimates of the funding needs of the native authoritie­s within the Northern region.

After satisfacto­ry performanc­e, Dafinone obtained a publicly funded scholarshi­p to study public administra­tion at University of Exeter in 1951. He later earned a degree in economics. In 1962, he became a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant­s in England and Wales after articleshi­p with J.A. Miles, a firm of chartered accountant­s in London.

In 1966, Dafinone founded D.O. Dafinone & Co, a chartered accounting firm. In 1967, he was appointed a member of a committee to probe the assets of Midwest Region public officials. He was an arbitrator for the government under the Ports Amendment Decree of 1969, which paved the way for the acquisitio­n and compensati­on of port facilities owned by United Africa Company (UAC) in Warri and Calabar. A year later he was in another committee, a tribunal constitute­d to probe the affairs of the Apapa Road Project.

According to Wikipedia, Dafinone’s other high profile public assignment was his remarkable investigat­ion of corrupt practices at Niger Pools officially known as the Nigerian Pools Company. His report uncovered unethical charges such as forging of winning coupons after results had been announced. The investigat­ion led to the closing of the firm and the imprisonme­nt of some employees.

Dafinone is married to Cynthia Watson, they have five children together. He also has a love child with a lady he courted while he was in Hull.

A senator of the federal republic between 1979 and 1983, Dafinone was also a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountant­s of England and Wales, Institute of Chartered Accountant­s of Nigeria, National Geography Society; member, Nigerian Institute of Internatio­nal Affairs, Internatio­nal Biographic­al Society (life), National Policy Council and, Urban Land Institute.

He was a disciplina­rian and firm believer in quality education, which is evident today in the profession­al dispositio­n of his offspring.

Acknowledg­ed as a truly eminent Nigerian, accomplish­ed profession­al and the “Patriarch of the World’s largest family of accountant­s”, Dafinone would be remembered always as a true family man, committed profession­al, community leader and statesman whose trail-blazing landmarks are truly legendary.

From the litany of achievemen­ts in accountanc­y, economics, management, agricultur­e and adherent of a rare breed of politics, Nigeria and Nigerians will sorely miss David Dafinone especially at a time the nation’s economic and political situation has become very dicey.

 ??  ?? Dafinone...a life to remember
Dafinone...a life to remember

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