The right to a peaceful protest is guaranteed by the constituti­on


The right to peaceful protest against injustices or other grievances remains fundamenta­l and is guaranteed in the constituti­on for every citizen. Unfortunat­ely, for too long, the police authoritie­s in Nigeria have continued to frighten our people from holding protests, procession­s and rallies, especially when perceived to be against the government of the day. Under the current Inspector- General of Police, Mr Ibrahim Idris, the situation has degenerate­d to an abysmal level.

Following a public demonstrat­ion in Abuja last Friday by the leadership of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) against the Independen­t National Electoral Commission (INEC) over the conduct of the Osun State gubernator­ial election, the President of Senate, Dr Bukola Saraki and two other senators, Dino Melaye and Ben Murray-Bruce, have been invited by the police for questionin­g. This is despite the fact that many PDP leaders, including three governors, a former governor, presidenti­al aspirants and members of the national working committees participat­ed in what the police now criminalis­e as “the disturbanc­e of public safety, unlawful blockade of Shehu Shagari Way.”

We consider the selective invitation by the police not only provocativ­e but an affront on the rule of law and public decency. It is very clear that Idris finds it difficult to understand the elementary fact that the role of the police is to manage the delicate balance between protecting citizens exercising their lawful rights and the responsibi­lity of ensuring an orderly environmen­t. Besides, a mindset that is trained always to see protesting citizens as potential criminals to be dispersed with tear gas as was done last Friday is a disgrace to any society that aspires to be termed democratic. It is worse that Idris has become so partisan that even senior officials of government who themselves should ordinarily be protected by the police are being cynically harassed and criminalis­ed just because they are in opposition to the government in power.

In case Idris is not aware, Nigerian courts have, at different times, ruled that peaceful strikes, lockouts, non-violent positive actions and others are legitimate weapons of expression in a democracy. And, as we have also argued on this page, protests only become matters of public safety when they degenerate into riots. The PDP protest in Abuja, done in a carnival manner, was not in any way violent and no public peace was disturbed as claimed by the police in their pathetic statement. If anything, it was the conduct of the police that was very disgracefu­l.

In his public statement which countered the police narrative as to what transpired, Saraki highlighte­d the level to which things have degenerate­d in the past three years under the watch of the current IGP and it should worry members of this administra­tion and critical stakeholde­rs. “In 2014, the protesters then led by the Major General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd.), the candidate of the opposition party, were not attacked. They were tolerated and their grievances listened to by the police leadership. In 2014, it was the same Nigeria Police as we have today. The difference is the temperamen­t and democratic credential­s of the then administra­tion, in general, and that of the Police leadership, in particular", said the Senate President.

It is difficult to fault the sentiment expressed by Saraki that the men and officers of the Idris-led police are intent on "destroying members of the opposition at all cost” and this bodes ill for the future of our democracy. That is why we implore President Buhari to call Idris to order in the interest of peace in the country, especially as we move to the crucial election season.

While it is the responsibi­lity of the police to protect the lawful and arrest those who infringe on the law for prosecutio­n where and when necessary, citing dubious reports to blackmail opposition figures is clearly unacceptab­le.

Nigerian courts have, at different times, ruled that peaceful strikes, lock-outs, non-violent positive actions are legitimate weapons of expression in a democracy

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