Bauchi Traders Eulogise FG for Trader Moni

- Segun Awofadeji

Beneficiar­ies of the Trader Moni in Bauchi State have commended the Federal Government for introducin­g the programme which saw each trader getting a loan of N10, 000 to boost their businesses.

They also pleaded with the Federal Government to sustain the initiative so as to accommodat­e more traders and artisans in the state.

THISDAY checks revealed that about 11, 000 Traders and Artisans in the State had enrolled into the initiative, Trader Moni.

Investigat­ions carried out in Muda Lawal market by our correspond­ent, indicated that already 8, 000 beneficiar­ies have so far received their free interest loan of N10, 000 each.

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo who was in Bauchi State last Tuesday to launch the programme said Bauchi was the 21st state to benefit from the Federal Government’s interventi­on.

Osinbajo who personally visited the Muda Lawal market, called on the beneficiar­ies to make good use of the funds to boost their business activities.

The traders are expected to pay back the loan within six months after which they can be given another loan and after payment, it will be reviewed upwards periodical­ly.

Some of the Muda Lawal Traders who spoke to our Correspond­ent said that the loan would help them boost their businesses.

They said the Buhari-led government had shown that it has good intentions for all Nigerians.

Abdullahi Ibrahim who sells sweet potatoes in the market said he had been managing his business with the little capital he has.

He said with this loan, he hoped to expand his business which would yield him more profit to enable him provide food for his family.

“I am very happy for this N10, 000 loan from the Federal Government because it will help me boost my business.

“I used to buy this potatoes using between N3, 000 and N4, 000 but now, with this money, I will be able to buy up to three bags to sell and my profit will triple. And from it, I’ll have enough to feed my family and solve other family issues.

“This is a great initiative. We were actually expecting this government to do something like this for the masses because we voted for them with great expectatio­ns and we have started seeing the benefit,” Ibrahim stated.

Another trader, Adamu Garba said this loan will help him double his profit.

He said: “This is a very good help to us the petty traders because it will make our businesses grow. As you can see, I see tomatoes, onions and peppers, and by the time I add N10, 000 to this business, I’ll make twice the profit I make weekly.”

Garba said six months was too long a time to pay back the loan declaring that “I am determined to finish paying this loan in three to four months’ time so that I can access the N15, 000 to also invest in my business.”

He said: “this is a proof that Buhari has us at heart and has good intentions for this country. We can only pray that he wins the election so he can continue with this good work he has started.

“For me, this loan is timely because it came at a time I was struggling to make ends meet but with this, I know things will improve a little bit better than they were before.

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