Court Jails Man for Posting Ex-lover’s Nude Photos on Facebook

- Jude Igbanoi

Last Wednesday, Hon Justice Taiwo Taiwo of the Federal High Court Ado Ekiti, sentenced Olubunmi Ayan to two years in prison, for posting the nude photos of his former lover on Facebook.

Taiwo Taiwo, the Judge, also ordered the convict to pay a fine of N500,00.

“I find this act of the convict highly disgracefu­l, very despicable and barbaric to say the least”, said the Judge, who found the convict guilty of violating Section 24 (1) of the Cyber Crime Act, 2015, and of the Constituti­on of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).

“He has behaved true to the saying that hell knows no fury than a lover scorned. I must say that the Defendant who has a wife and children at home, could find it easy to demean and embarrass a woman who was having an amorous affair with him.”

The case was between the Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) and Mr Ayan.

According to O.A Oyewole, counsel to the AGF, Mr Ayan had threatened to post nude pictures of his ex- girlfriend, Monica Arare, on social media sometime in 2017, when the lady informed him she was no longer interested in their relationsh­ip.

According to the counsel, Ms Arare, a single lady, had pleaded with Mr Ayan, who is married with children, not to carry out his threat, and he had requested for N200,000 as a condition to rescind his decision. Mr Ayan had gone ahead to post the nude photos, when the lady could not get the money.

Delivering his judgement, the Judge said Mr Ayan was found guilty of committing the crime, after several evidence made available to the court, had been found as “incontrove­rtible proof that he wilfully and maliciousl­y committed the crime”.

“It is an act of meanness, to attempt to, if he has not already tarnished the image and reputation of Monica Arare”, the Judge said.

The Judge said the jail term would take immediate effect, adding that, he had been lenient in sentencing the culprit as the punishment for his crime attracted a fine of N7 million and a three year jail term, according to the Cyber Crime Act.

He said the court tempered justice with mercy, because of the plea of the culprit’s counsel that he has a family and is a first offender.

The Judge lamented that, those who made the law stipulatin­g a punishment of N7 million and three years jail term to persons guilty of such crimes, did not make provisions for compensati­on for the victim. He therefore, advised that, such provision should be made by lawmakers, in a future exercise in amending the laws.

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