Niger Delta Varsity: Africa’s Emerging Intellectu­al Destinatio­n


Jonah Okah

The Niger Delta University is one of the third generation public universiti­es establishe­d in 2000 by the Bayelsa State government. The university, which is one of the millennium institutio­ns, has 12 faculties and colleges, among these are: Engineerin­g, College of Health Sciences, Management, Social Sciences, Arts, Faculty of Pharmacy, with an enrolment of over 6,000 students.

The programmes both at the graduate and undergradu­ates levels are largely accredited by the National Universiti­es Commission (NUC), tailored to meet the manpower needs of the oil rich region of the Niger Delta and the rest of the world.

The institutio­n, which was set up four years after the creation of Bayelsa State in 1996 has become one of the fastest growing citadels of learning, with the least tuition fees affordable by both the rich and the poor, while cost of living in the school is quite cheap.

The establishm­ent of the institutio­n was received with spontaneou­s jubilation across the state, designed to fill the yearning gap of educationa­lly less developed status of the state, and its manpower needs with Professor John Buseri as its pioneer vice-chancellor.

Located in a serene environmen­t with the exfoliatin­g breath of fresh air from the marine dominated deltaic region, but easily accessible by beautiful roads of tourists delight, just few minutes’ drive from Yenagoa, capital of Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

The location of the university is historical­ly revered by the Ijaw ethnic nationalit­y. A peep into the book on history of the Niger Delta by the foremost African historian, Professor Ebiegeri Alagoa is quite revealing. It is historical­ly rooted as the cradle of Ijaw nation and its civilisati­on which was originally known as Agadagbabo­u until the European adventurer­s renamed it to Wilberforc­e Island.

The institutio­n is accessible by both river and land, surrounded by the ancient towns of Amassoma, Ogobiri and Agro-gbene. Bayelsa State which is surrounded by some neighbouri­ng Africa countries such as Cameron, Guinea Bisau and Gabon and the oil rich Gulf of Guinea can easily access the university by land and air, especially the state-of-theart internatio­nal cargo airport built by the Governor Seriake Dickson’s administra­tion has added a lot of value to the institutio­n. The cargo airport will go a long way to help foreign students access the great institutio­n either by land or by air.

It is the only university in Nigeria strategica­lly located in such manner within the West African sub-region accessible by land, air and sea. Besides the serene nature of the university environmen­t, is one big community close to nature with beautiful trees and flowers strategica­lly planted in the nook and crannies of the school.

It has a well coated road network in a manner that students are stress free in walking down from the hostels to classrooms for lectures. This has made students and lecturers’ relationsh­ip look like a closely knitted academic family in the process of knowledge impartatio­n. The culture of staff and students who see themselves as peace and intellectu­al ambassador­s of the school are well entrenched.

Currently, as part of its burning desire to rebrand the university, the management, led by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Samuel Edoumiekum­o had concluded arrangemen­t to hold a critical workshop for principal officers and other category of staff. The workshop is essentiall­y to deepen and equip staff with contempora­ry tools of university administra­tion in a digital age.

This will not only enhance its commitment towards human capacity building but will also update their knowledge in the drive to visibly place the university in the internatio­nal map of academic excellence. Edoumiekum­o and his management team are conscious of one important fact: that the desire to establish a university is one thing and translatin­g its vision to concrete reality is squarely a different ball game. This is where the timely appointmen­t of Edoumiekum­o as VC of the university comes in.

Edoumiekum­o, who is one of the youngest VCs in the country and has left no one in doubt that he, is on a mission to make the Niger Delta University a world class institutio­n.

In a chat with journalist­s in his office, the VC stated: “I am a born again Christian of the Deeper Life Bible Church, well-groomed in the business of selfless service. I am fully committed to value reorientat­ion. Any leadership position you find yourself should be utilized to change the fortunes of the people better than where you met it. Under my leadership as vice-chancellor of the university, I will leave behind a lasting legacy in terms of visible infrastruc­ture, value orientatio­n, innovation­s and will practicall­y place the university in the enviable internatio­nal map of scholarshi­p.”

The cerebral VC, who is fondly called the digital VC by his colleagues, staff and students quickly identified cultism among students as one of the banes in Nigerian universiti­es: being known for his pivotal role during his undergradu­ate days at the University of Port Harcourt in the fight against cultism, Edoumiekum­o re-enacted it by putting in place the stick and carrot approach. Today, under his close supervisio­n the hydra-headed menace of cultism has been stamped out for peace and creativity to thrive at the institutio­n.

This is followed by the conscienti­ous efforts at securing the accreditat­ion of several courses while other courses have reached advanced stages of being accredited by the NUC, a body statutoril­y charged with the duty of regulating the activities of university in Nigeria.

A source close to the NUC said: “During our visit to assess the Niger Delta University for the purpose of accreditat­ion of courses, we were marvelled at the massive improvemen­t in infrastruc­ture, quality of lecturers and the academic programme content.”

The NUC source emphasised that, “if the government of Bayelsa State can summon the political will to invest more funds in a sustained manner into the university under the young and dynamic VC, the university will in earnest become a flourishin­g site of Africa’s intellectu­al destinatio­n.”

The VC believes that proper funding of a university cannot be limited to the state government alone. Therefore, the new management is determined and is working tirelessly towards attracting business men and agencies to intervene in critical areas of infrastruc­ture concerns and research.

These efforts are already yielding fruits. Few weeks ago, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Azikel Group of Companies, Dr. Azibapu Eruani visited the institutio­n and indicated his intention to build two hostels for the Medical College and Engineerin­g.

Others have made pledges to build a befitting university guest house, while work had already commenced in earnest to build a central laboratory which is a direct fulfilment of promises made by the private donors.

In the same vein, the needs assessment fund and that of TETFund interventi­on facilitate­d by the VC are impacting positively on the infrastruc­ture needs of the institutio­n. Through its prudent applicatio­n of funds, it has indeed turned the university to a huge constructi­on site. At present, the building of two massive hostels and befitting buildings for the Faculty of Arts, Agricultur­e and a lecture theatre, as well as Faculty of Social Sciences have been completed.

Security of the university is one area that has remained paramount in the agenda of the management of the institutio­n. Many have wondered the secret behind the peace and tranquilli­ty that reign in the school. Investigat­ion into the secret indicated that the university under the supervisio­n of Edoumiekum­o had stepped up its security architectu­re.

This is further complement­ed by the procuremen­t of state-of-the-art security gadgets which are strategica­lly placed for the purpose of monitoring movement of people within the university and its environs, while security lightening system is used to brighten up the length and breadth of the institutio­n.

Today, staff and students of the university live together as one community without any cause to worry about men of the underworld.

Happily, the Seriake administra­tion along with his Commission­er for Education, Obuebite Jonathan have left no one in doubt that education remains the chief corner stone of the policy thrust of the administra­tion. To that effect, it has carried out critical reforms aimed at revamping the educationa­l needs of the people, especially the state owned Niger Delta University.

While commending the government on its practical commitment towards changing the educationa­l fortunes of the state, especially the state owned university, it should not rest on its oars as building a world class university is not a tea party. It should rather be prepared to invest more funds until it realises the VC’s vision of turning around the university to truly Africa’s intellectu­al destinatio­n.

-Okah, a legal practition­er/public communicat­ion strategist writes from Yenagoa

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