FRC Inaugurate­s Audit Regulation Working Group


The Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRC) yesterday inaugurate­d its Audit Regulation Working Group.

The group is saddled with the responsibi­lity of improving audit quality in the country which is expected to enhance economic growth.

Membership of the Group and subject matter experts were drawn from the Office of the Auditor General for the Federation, the Federal Ministry of Justice, Forum of Small and Medium-sized Audit Practition­ers, Nigerian Accounting Associatio­n, the Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment, Associatio­n of National Accountant­s of Nigeria, the Institute of Chartered Accountant­s of Nigeria as well as some internatio­nal and national accounting firms.

Speaking during a meeting of members of the Group in Lagos, the Executive Secretrary/ Chief Executive Officer of the FRC, Mr. Daniel Asapokhai, said audit corporate reporting supports the orderly functionin­g of the capital market and helps companies in raising capital from other sources and improves confidence in the integrity of financial statements.

Commenting further, Asapokhai noted that effective public oversight of audits would improve audit quality and support economic growth.

According to him, the FRC’s goal is to improve the quality of statutory audits in Nigeria by taking steps “to improve the independen­ce of audit firms and auditors from the entity being edited; enhance the informatio­nal value of the audit reporting to investors; promote a more dynamic and competitiv­e market for audit services and foster convergenc­e of standards with Nigeria’s largest trading partners.”

On his part, the Chairman of the FRC, Mr. Adedotun Sulaiman, noted that the Working Group would provide technical assistance to the FRC in releasing a comprehens­ive set of rules over the next several months, to better regulate in the interest of members of the public, the independen­t audit of corporate financial reporting and more effectivel­y transition the oversight of audits in Nigeria from the Profession­al Accounting Organisati­ons to the FRC.

“The Working Group will assist the FRC to assess the state of audit regulation in Nigeria, develop new requiremen­ts for audit firms and auditor registrati­on, regulation of broader assurance services, the practice reviews and inspection of audit firms provided for in Sections 60 and 61 of the FRC Act as well as requiremen­t for the conduct of different assurance engagement­s,” he added.

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