BPE Considers Framework to Check Undue Influences in Privatisat­ion Process

- In Abuja

Ndubuisi Francis

The Bureau of Public Enterprise­s (BPE) is putting in place a framework to rid the processes leading to the privatisat­ion of public assets of undue influences and possible abuses.

The BPE’s Director General, Mr. Alexander Okoh, who made the disclosure in Abuja yesterday on the sidelines of the swearing and signing of pledges by participan­ts of the global anti-bribery and anti-corruption workshop organised by Malkara Consulting, also revealed that to ensure greater accountabi­lity and transparen­cy in the sale of assets, the privatisat­ion agency was pursuing the introducti­on of public offering

This, he said, would whittle down public scepticism and negative perception from certain stakeholde­rs as well as ensure greater buy-in by Nigerians.

“What we want to do going forward, is to put in place a framework that would ensure that there are no undue influences in the process of selling these assets

“Once the public is convinced that these assets are sold in a transparen­t manner, then, the pushback is that the public antagonism to privatisat­ion will be greatly reduced. We are also trying to emphasise the sale of the assets through public offer.

“Through that process, every retail market woman, civil servant and everybody can buy into these assets and feel a sense of ownership of the divestment of these assets,” he said.

In his address at the event, Okoh noted that privatisat­ion is a key tool for economic growth, adding that in the 30 years of the enterprise reform journey in the country, the federal government had reformed over 140 public enterprise­s across various sectors.

He regretted that notwithsta­nding the obvious benefits of and the impact that privatisat­ion has had on the Nigerian economy, there is still a great deal of scepticism from certain stakeholde­rs.

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