Sterling Bank Partners Foundation on Cancer Awareness


Nume Ekeghe

Sterling Bank Plc has partnered the Leah Foundation to create awareness on breast and cervical cancers through a movie titled ‘Diamonds in the Sky.’

Commending Sterling Bank for sponsoring the initiative, First Lady of Kwara State and Founder, Leah Foundation, Mrs. Omolewa Ahmed said, “We appreciate Sterling Bank for investing in continued breast and cervical cancer awareness and education.

“Without proper awareness, a lot of women cannot identify possible warning signs of cancer making it impossible for them to take prompt action that can lead to early diagnosis.

“Our goal is to heighten breast and cervical cancer awareness through this educative movie to increase early diagnosis and screening rates because it increases the chances for successful treatment.”

Speaking on the movie which premiered recently at the Viva Cinemas in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital, Regional Business Executive, South West, Sterling Bank Plc, Mr. Ademola Adeyemi, disclosed that ‘Diamonds in the Sky’ is a breast and cervical cancer advocacy movie designed to create awareness about cancer.

Adeyemi noted that, according to available records, cancer is the second leading cause of death globally with a record of 9.6 million deaths in 2018.

He said, “The key to winning the fight against the dreaded disease is early detection and we are determined to ensure that everyone has access to good health care through our HEART initiative.”

He further explained that Sterling Bank had aligned its business model to offer financial and non-financial solutions in key areas of the economy which are at the heart of the bank.

He reiterated that the key areas which would drive investment­s by the bank are health, education, agricultur­e, renewable energy and transporta­tion (HEART).

He said Sterling Bank was impressed by the level of investment sunk into the Leah Cancer Centre - The Leah Breast & Cervical Project powered by the Leah Foundation.

Adeyemi, enjoined other charitable organisati­ons to emulate the foundation, adding that Leah Foundation is the first non-profit and charitable health organisati­on delivering breast and cervical cancer screening services to urban and rural communitie­s in Kwara State.

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