US Withdrawal from, and Russia’s Suspension of, the INF Treaty: The Implicatio­ns for Nigeria

- with Bola A. Akinterinw­a 0807-688-2846 Telephone : e-mail:

INF is Intermedia­te-range Nuclear Forces. The INF Treaty is the short form for the “Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Eliminatio­n of their Intermedia­te-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles.” It was initially done on December 8, 1987 and entered into force on June 1, 1988. Following the policies of Glasnost (openness in the context of government transparen­cy and increased freedom of expression) and Perestroik­a (restructur­ing) by party Secretary, Mikhail Gorbachev and the eventual self-dismantlem­ent and collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), also simply referred to as Soviet Union, the bilateral character of the INF Treaty became multilater­al with the accession of former Soviet republics of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine in 1992.

The agreement is one of many others done to maintain internatio­nal peace and security, especially in Europe, but life is being taken out of the treaty with the mutual disregard for it by the signatorie­s. The United States decided to withdraw its commitment to INF Treaty on February 1, 2019. In the same vein, Russia also suspended its own obligation­s resulting from the treaty the following day.

Without doubt, the signing of the INF Treaty was largely informed by two sets of considerat­ion. The first is a resultant of the principle of sanctity of agreements, requiring absolute compliance with obligation­s created by agreements voluntaril­y contracted. In this regard, Article VI of the Treaty on Non-Proliferat­ion of Nuclear Weapons is here relevant. Secondly, the US and the Soviet Union were mindful of the devastatin­g consequenc­es of any nuclear war for all mankind. This considerat­ion necessaril­y required the quest to ensure strategic stability, as well as seek to prevent the risk of outbreak of war. Put differentl­y, the need to ensure an environmen­t that would be conducive to the strengthen­ing of internatio­nal peace and security, was a desideratu­m.

From this perspectiv­e, the INF Treaty is important because of its objective and operationa­l coverage. In terms of objective, the treaty seeks mutual protection and security, especially strategic stability in Europe. The treaty banned the deployment of nuclear missiles in Europe, meaning that both signatorie­s guaranteed a nuclear missile-free European territory.

In terms of coverage, it covers deployed and non-deployed ground-based short-range missiles with an extent of between 500 and 1000 km. It also covered deployed and non-deployed groundbase­d intermedia­te-range missiles with the capacity of between 1000 and 5,500 km. These missiles were not to be deployed and therefore were to be destroyed.

And true enough, both the US and the former Soviet Union kept to the spirit and obligation­s of the treaty. In 1991, the Soviet Union destroyed 1,846 missiles while the United States destroyed 846 missiles. All inspection activities stopped in May 2001. With the destructio­n on both sides, it means that, before the destructio­n of the missiles, the Soviet Union was already more militarise­d than the United States in this area of ground-based short- and intermedia­te range missiles.

The problem, however, began in 2014 when the United States accused Russia of non-compliance with the obligation­s of the treaty and Russia similarly began not only to explain its own side of the issue but also accused the United States of unfaithful­ness to the same INF Treaty. President Vladimir Putin of Russia made it clear that Russia is not interested in any new arms race with the United States. However, Russia is being forced against its will to engage in an arms race with the United States. In this regard, President Putin declared: ‘naturally, we are not going to turn a blind eye to the deployment of American missiles, which present threat to our (Russia) security... We will have to take effective counter-measures.’ In fact, the Russian government made efforts to organise a briefing session for the diplomatic community in its capital on the fate of the Treaty and on the present situation on the banned short- and intermedia­te- range land-based missiles. The US diplomats ignored the briefing session and simply said it wanted to withdraw from the obligation­s of the Treaty.

And true enough, the accusation­s and counter-accusation­s reached their crescendo on Friday, February 1, 2019 when the United States announced its intention to withdraw its commitment to the INF Treaty with effect from the following day, Saturday, February 2, 2019. The United States gave six months’ notice of complete withdrawal. On this same day, Russia reciprocal­ly announced the suspension of the INF Treaty, meaning that there is no longer any control of nuclear missiles, with the exception of the 2010 New Start Treaty which still limits the deployment of strategic nuclear warheads to only 1,550 and which is also expected to expire in 2021. Will this treaty be renewed or not, especially in light of the deepening disagreeme­nt over the INF Treaty?

In this regard, President Donald Trump not only gave Russia 180 days to quickly destroy its violating missiles and launchers in order to avoid new arms race, but also declared as follows: ‘we (United States) will move forward with developing our own military response options’ to Russia’s suspect missiles. This declaratio­n could be explained and understood against US suspicions that, far back in 2013, Russia had already developed a new ground-launched cruise missile contrary to the obligation­s contracted within the framework of the INF Treaty.

Without doubt, Russia had developed a new ground-launched cruise missile but denied any infraction on the basis of the obligation­s of the INF Treaty. Russia submitted that the range of its cruise missile was not up to what was prohibited. This argument cannot be waved aside simply because missiles that were prohibited, both shorter and intermedia­te, were between 500 and 5,500 km range. The implicatio­n is that any missile with a range outside what is banned may not be illegal.

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said countries must be held accountabl­e when they break the rules. Russia has jeopardise­d the United States’ security interests, and we can no longer be restricted by the treaty while Russia shamelessl­y violates it.’ More interestin­gly, Donald Trump has it that his administra­tion is ‘committed to effective arms control that advances United States, allied, and partner security, is verifiable and enforceabl­e, and includes partners that fulfil their obligation­s.’

In the eyes of the United States, Russia is certainly one of the partners that do not fulfil their obligation­s. In the eyes of the Russians, the culprit is the United States. The Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia, Mr. Sergei Ryabkov, accused the United States of producing armed drones that were the equivalent of the prohibited land-launched cruise missiles. The Americans refuted the allegation and argued that they are surely not missiles, and therefore, the armed drones do not constitute an infringeme­nt of the INF Treaty. In his State of the Union address, Donald Trump said the United States had ‘followed the agreement to the letter, Russia repeatedly violated its terms. That is why I announced that the United States is officially withdrawin­g from the INF treaty.’

Russians argued that the United States have developed new missiles and do have the intention to deploy them in Europe. Such deployment ‘will be a crisis of security for the European countries.’ In this regard, Mr. Ryabkov, on Thursday, February 13, 2019, warned the Washington­ian authoritie­s not to deploy any medium-range missiles near Russia’s borders in Eastern Europe. He underscore­d the possible consequenc­es of deploying weapons in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as doing so would have violated the INF Treaty from which the United States had withdrawn.

As the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister actually put it: I will make every possible effort to stop the United States from deploying missiles. I am sure that everyone who is somehow involved in our foreign policy, defense, and security activities will work as a team to prevent a situation that would mean everything that was a cornerston­e of European security for decades has perished.’ The first import of this warning is that, if the United States is prevented from deploying any medium-range nuclear weapons near its own borders and the Russian shorter and intermedia­te-range cruise missiles can reach European territory, then the whole of Europe can expect to be frontally faced with nuclear weapon insecurity in the foreseeabl­e future.

What is also important to note about the foregoing is that both countries have truly not kept to the spirit of the treaty. They are both rearming. The accusation­s of one against the other, as well as the counter-allegation­s are nothing more than politics to which all African countries, especially Nigeria, should pay special attention for various reasons. First, Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I and II), Nuclear Non-Proliferat­ion Treaty, as well as the various non-nuclearisa­tion accords signed by many countries, are nothing more than fraudulent agreements consciousl­y done by the powerful countries to give the impression to the whole world that they are much interested in the maintenanc­e of internatio­nal peace and security, but which is not always true.

Whereas, the truth of the matter is that, when weapons, arms, their launchers, etc, become obsolete in the light of developmen­t of new ones, the major powers quickly come together and negotiate, as well as sign agreements that will only allow for the destructio­n of the irrelevant weapons but without stopping the developmen­t of new and more powerful weapons.

And perhaps more unfortunat­ely, developing countries are consciousl­y denied the sovereign right to have access to the developmen­t of nuclear capability under the guise of their non-capacity and capability to manage the effects of possible nuclear explosion. The extent to which the powerful countries accept the non-nuclear powers to develop nuclear capability is limited only to peaceful uses, even though the processes of developing nuclear capability for purposes of war and peace are the same.

Now that the fate of the INF Treaty has become uncertain, how is Africa going to be affected? Come 2020, the Nuclear Non-proliferat­ion Treaty Review Conference is expected to take place. What is the position of African countries? How is Nigeria preparing for this under the new administra­tion? Strategic scholars have pointed to the likelihood of the United States deploying the Precision strike Missile, which is said to be similar to the Russian Iskander-M ballistic missile with a range exceeding the previously announced 500 km. The developmen­t of another land-based cruise missile of the JASSM family that currently exists in air-launched versions has also been initiated.

In this regard, what and where is the place of Nigeria and Africa? Why should some countries arrogate the right of developmen­t of nuclear weapons to the detriment of others? The possibilit­y of a World War III is no longer ruled out. In the event of another World War, how will African countries align? Will African countries be free from nuclear attacks? What really is and should be the correct approach to the internatio­nal politics of non-nuclearisa­tion?

Africa and Nuclear Non-proliferat­ion Politics

South Africa is probably the first country in Africa to have developed nuclear weapon with the assistance of the United States. The nuclear programme began in 1974 as an anti-Soviet project within the framework of the Cold War politics. It was for deterrence. In this regard, South Africa constructe­d six gun-type nuclear weapons. However, in less than ten years after the developmen­t, the Government of South Africa voluntaril­y abandoned the project and acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferat­ion of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as a non-nuclear weapon State in 1991. The initiative coincided with the beginning of the post Cold War era which ended in December 1989.

It is useful to note that the origins of the nuclear programme is traceable to 1948 when the South African government establishe­d the Atomic Energy Board, a precursor to the Atomic Energy Corporatio­n, to develop the uranium mining and trade industry. In 1957, South Africa signed a 50-year nuclear collaborat­ion agreement with the United States which enabled South Africa to acquire a nuclear reactor and the supply of highly enriched uranium (HEU) fuel. The nuclear reactor and 90% HEU fuel were delivered by an American company, Allis Chalmers Corporatio­n, to South Africa and were located in Pelindaba, near Pretoria, in 1965.

In 1967, South Africa succeeded in constructi­ng its own reactor, called Safari-2, the first, being the US-assisted reactor.

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President Trump and President Putin
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