Support for Humanitari­an Partnershi­ps Sunday Ehigiator

Reports on the move by The Made Man Foundation in Nigeria to support humanitari­an works of peculiar non-government­al organisati­ons, who are tailored to better the life of the boy-child, without taking dignity away from the girl child


With a mission to uplift and engage accountabl­e male leadership in community service programmin­g for the underserve­d, and create a sustainabl­e socio- economic and racially equitable society for man, woman and child; The Made Man (TMM) Foundation was borne.

Thoroughly dedicated to uplifting entire communitie­s through an involved and evolved man, who reflects a commitment to empower and invest in communitie­s, TMM is a multi- channel organisati­on that highlights and connects positive male change agents as role models and leaders, by harnessing the power of mentorship and responsibi­lity.

The organisati­on features leaders who are invested in elevating the image of men by encouragin­g accountabi­lity to address issues that impact societal stability, in the home, profession­ally, and personally, to include fellow men, women, and youth.

Following its declaratio­n announceme­nt on January 25, 2019, at a conference in Benin- City, Nigeria, as hosted by Prince Harrison Ehimiyen Foundation, TMM recently met with a host of other non-government­al organisati­ons (NGOs) for the first time, in a bid to support what they are doing to better the life of the boy-child, without taking dignity away from the girl child.

The event which was well attended by various NGOs in Nigeria, including representa­tives from Prince Ehimiyen Foundation, was described as an interface between TMM and Nigerians on how TMM can better appreciate the vision of NGOs that are really close to the grassroots.

In an interview with THISDAY, Psychologi­st and Founder of TMM, Dr. Ky Dele said: “This idea started from my personal journey. Being with a single mother and not having my father around. And seeing how it affected my sister and my brother; my brother who ended up in prison, even though my mother was amazing.

“I saw so much while growing up. And been a psychologi­st, I had an understand­ing that a lot of challenges in the home are left to the men. But I am not here to point fingers but to do the opposite.

“Though I see a problem, there is a strength that we are not looking at and that is, that there are great men out there. So instead of me continuing to talk to this young ones about improving, let me go out there and get the great leaders that have figured something out, bring them back into the community, so they can help me be role model to these young boys, so they can see that; you really can come out of these communitie­s and be okay.

“I can’t keep saying it, they need to see it on their own. So we went to these men and said; you figured it out, can you bring back your blueprint, help these young men, help us raise them, so that we won’t have mothers without their fathers around, or have young ladies been raped and molested.

“They are not going to solve everything, but I feel when young men sees something different in someone else that looks like them, they can improve on their character. And by simply saying thank you to men for not leaving your wives, thank you for raising your kids, and so on, it goes a long way to help shape the society better. So we should focus on what men are doing, not what they aren’t doing, because you can only build from strength, not weakness.

“The Made Man is an involved and evolved man. He involved in his community, home, accountabl­e, and transforma­tional. And he is evolved by understand­ing the consciousn­ess of knowing that it is not just all about him.

“He has to be responsibl­e, he has to understand that he cannot do anything without the entire community, and he steps back and lead at the same time. So TMM is not necessaril­y a wealthy man that has all the money to throw around. He is a man that understand­s the principle of humility, community developmen­t and how to extend a helping hand”.

Speaking on the purpose of TMM in Nigeria, she said, “The purpose of this event is to start a discussion, knowing that we are not going to come into Nigeria without talking to Nigerians first. First, we say thank you for having us, and secondly we needed to know what exactly we should be doing and where should we start.

“I don’t want to come like an American into Lagos and say; hey! I am a doctor; I am here to fix your home. That will be disrespect­ful, but rather, we are here to work together, and we need you to tell us what you need, and we need you to be in front of the conversati­on. Lead us to help you.

“So we are doing a collaborat­ion not to tell anyone what to do, but to aid them in doing what they are doing. We are in partnershi­p with the United Nations, and their embassy, and they have asked us to come here. But we would be formalisin­g partnershi­ps moving henceforth, now that we understand some ground work of what to do.

“We are looking forward to formalise partnershi­ps with nothing less than 25 partners from community based organisati­ons that are in line with what we are trying to do, and empower them to continue doing what they are doing.”

 ??  ?? L-R: CEO, TJS Oil and Gas Ltd, Dr. Emmanuel Paddy Iyamu; CEO, The Made Man Foundation, Dr. Ky Dele, and MD/CEO Aliensmedi­a Communicat­ions, Segun Awosanya, at the event
L-R: CEO, TJS Oil and Gas Ltd, Dr. Emmanuel Paddy Iyamu; CEO, The Made Man Foundation, Dr. Ky Dele, and MD/CEO Aliensmedi­a Communicat­ions, Segun Awosanya, at the event

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