What drew me to this gentleman is his approach to politics. His desire to build consensus, debate, tackle issues and ethical-based approach to things. They laugh at him and say he comes out every four years and has not been able to turn his pharmacy into a Forbesrate­d concern. The hypocrisy of it all is belly-aching. At the centre we are hailing someone for having only one house and 150 cows for the last 100 years and say he is a man of integrity and here the same attribute is leading to abuse. Well, Mr. Agbaje the truth is that you truly do have the love and support of a vast majority of Lagosians whose voices have been muzzled by the very strong forces of local imperialis­m. In our hearts we know just who should lead us and that is why you notice that people did not come out to vote because they are just tired of having their voices muzzled. I thank you for making the call to your main opponent, shows you are truly a politician of grace that should be courted by all rightthink­ing people.

We are making plans to host you to a massive afang summit where you will be hosted to a sumptuous meal of afang and fufu. I know these past few months have not been easy. Pele. I will work with the Thompson brothers to make sure this party comes to an actualizat­ion. Welldone Egbon. God bless.

If I don’t write this one, my madam will kill me o. You see this lady politician attended the same school as my madam, St. Annes in Ibadan abi is it St. Louis. Mbok St. something jo. Since she emerged, I have not drunk water in the house o. She is the best thing that has happened in Ibadan since Mokola. I must write something about her and we must go to Ibadan to vote even when the constitute­d authority had been kicked out. So last week, I was supposed to make a commentary that would have ensured she won the elections and since I failed to write the article, I was now the sole reason why her candidate lost and I must suffer. My people you see my life. So because of the pressure, I decided to listen to the lady speak. Mbok, come and see fire. This woman was strong; a powerful orator, a keen daughter of the land with sound vison and major clarity. As she spoke I could feel the fire in her --- and at the end of the speech, she screamed in Yoruba ‘I am the Jagaban of Ibadan’ and the crowd jumped and I jumped from my lap top and fell in love. This was power, this was enigmatic and this was the kind of symbol that can raise us from the lethargy of apathy that continued misrule has thrown us into. Sadly, and expectedly she did not do well in the elections and it is all my fault. I should have written that one article and all the Penkelmese of Oyo including this Makinde person would have all just fallen down. Well, that is tyranny of those who own the key to the bedroom. What can we do but to plead our case and hope that judgment is not rendered inconclusi­ve.

My former friend o. I have not seen or heard from him in years. Last time I saw him, it was in the thick of one of those fuel scarcities in 2015. He had sent for me, taken me to his base and asked his people to show me all the fire trucks he had. He did not stop at that, he asked them to start spraying water so I can see that the trucks were in good condition. He showed me huge tanks that can carry enough fuel to power Africa and in all these I just needed 50 litres of fuel. Since then a lot has happened to him, he has contested for governorsh­ip and lost and has built a stadium in his village for his soccer club. Today, he has emerged as a senator defeating the Uba brothers who were very strong contenders. Finally, Dr. Ubah now has a platform. His cry has always been to be taken seriously by the system and allowed to show what he can do for the nation. Today he is now a senator. let’s just take a front-row seat and watch. My lord congratula­tions and welldone.

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