2019 Polls: Before We Put It All Behind Us!

Olusoji Onobun explains why yielding power to the younger generation might be impossible for now


The recently concluded election is very much interestin­g. #NigeriaDec­ides2019 will shine bright light into a lot of us especially, those that are not as smart as their smart phones. I’ve always known from inception that the young lads are not ready and Mr. President in his words once said the young lads are lazy and every social media user castigated him for being blunt. But the young lads proved him right in this period. If old men like Atiku Abubakar and President Muhammadu Buhari could tour the whole 36 states to orchestrat­e an incessant campaign for presidenti­al election and jokers like Fela Durotoye, Omoyele Sowore and Kingsley Moghalu decided to limit their cheap campaign to social media, where 99.9 of the users don’t even have PVCs.

Some people will come with the sentiment of “Those men don’t have the financial clout to run a proper campaign”. Damn, that’s pure bullshit. Why would anyone engage in what he or she can’t give 10% effort to?

To be the president of a country is beyond good English and social media. Moghalu has 30k followers, Sowore has about 40k followers, Durotoye has about 300k followers, where are those people on the ballot?

Those jokers did not even hold any rally to galvanize anyone; they were only making empty noise on social media. Those jokers didn’t even auspicate anything in their respective LGAs, yet, they were there criticisin­g the real people that mean business (Buhari and Atiku).

One of the problems of this country is that we glorify hoax. If you truly mean business, you would have held rallies in at least one state in each geo-political zone in Nigeria and that sums up to 6 states, rather they decided to stay on social media to speak nonsense English and this made me come to the conclusion that they only came in order to add “FORMER PRESIDENTI­AL CANDIDATE” to their CVs.

Fela Durotoye, Omoyele Sowore and Kingsley Moghalu, you are deceptive; you are liars. Stop misleading people. Fela, a deceptive person is not meant to be a motivation­al speaker. People that see you as role model should be ashamed of you. Fela Durotoye, Omoyele Sowore and Kingsley Moghalu knew from the dept of their heart that they only came to upgrade their Curriculum Vitae.

I don’t ever want to listen to Fela Durotoye, Omoyele Sowore and Kingsley Moghalu anymore.

Those so-called old men will continue to rule this great country, because they are ambitious and real. This is not a prediction; it’s a damn SPOILER!

 ??  ?? Moghalu
 ??  ?? Durotoye
 ??  ?? Sowore

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