Mueller Report: Trump Cleared of Conspiring with Russia


US President Donald Trump’s campaign did not conspire with Russia during the 2016 election, a summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report says.

The allegation clouded the first two years of Trump’s presidency and his allies see the report’s finding as a boost to his re-election chances.

But Attorney General William Barr’s summary is inconclusi­ve as to whether Trump obstructed justice.

Opposition Democrats are demanding full access to Mueller’s report.

Having repeatedly described the inquiry as a witch hunt, Trump said it was an “illegal takedown that failed”.

Despite the inconclusi­veness of the report regarding allegation­s he obstructed justice, the president said it constitute­d “complete and total exoneratio­n”.

The report was the culminatio­n of two years of investigat­ion by Mueller which saw some of the president’s closest former aides prosecuted and, in some cases, imprisoned, although not on charges related to the alleged Russian collusion.

The special counsel did not find that any US person or Trump campaign official conspired or knowingly co-ordinated with Russia,” Barr wrote.

On the issue of whether justice was obstructed, Mueller’s report says: “While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

In his summary, Barr said the report “ultimately determined not to make a traditiona­l prosecutor­ial judgment”.

There was, he adds, insufficie­nt evidence “to establish that the president committed an obstructio­n-of-justice offence”.

Barr ended his letter by saying further extracts from the report will be released but notes that some of the material is subject to justice department restrictio­ns.

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who has been sharply critical of the president in the past, tweeted that it was a “great day for President Trump and his team”.

“The cloud hanging over President Trump has been removed by this report,” he said.

“Great job by Mueller and his team to thoroughly examine all things Russia,” he added.

“Now it is time to move on, govern the country, and get ready to combat Russia and other foreign actors ahead of 2020.”

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway sent the president “congratula­tions” on Twitter, saying: “Today you won the 2016 election all over again. And got a gift for the 2020 election.”

“They’ll never get you because they’ll never ‘get’ you.”

Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said the report had been better than he had expected while Republican Senator Mitt Romney welcomed the “good news”, tweeting that it was now “time for the country to move forward”.

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said in a joint statement that Mr Barr’s letter “raises as many questions as it answers” and called for access to the full report.

“For the president to say he is completely exonerated directly contradict­s the words of Mueller and is not to be taken with any degree of credibilit­y,” the statement said.

Congressma­n Jerry Nadler, the Democratic Chair of the House of Representa­tives Judiciary Committee, emphasised that Mr Trump had not been cleared of obstructin­g justice.

“Barr says that the president may have acted to obstruct justice, but that for an obstructio­n conviction, ‘the government would need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a person, acting with corrupt intent, engaged in obstructiv­e conduct’.”

Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal, a member of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, said that while there was a lack of evidence to support “a prosecutab­le criminal conspiracy”, questions remained over whether Trump had been compromise­d. Russia has denied being involved in hacking to influence the 2016 US election result.

Responding to news that Trump had been cleared of collusion, Alexei Pushkov, a member of Russia’s upper house, tweeted:”Democrats, Russophobe­s and leading media created a virtual conspiracy which existed only in their heads and in headlines, and nowhere else.”

The release of the report’s key findings on Sunday could mark the start of a lengthy battle to see the entire Mueller report made public.

Whenever further details are handed to Congress, Democrats may mount legal challenges if it is anything less than the entire report.

Jerry Nadler said he would ask Barr to testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee “in the near future” over “very concerning discrepanc­ies and final decision making at the Justice Department”.

About a dozen other investigat­ions are continuing into Trump’s activities. These include a federal inquiry in New York into possible election law violations by the Trump campaign and his businesses, and possible misconduct by the Trump inaugural committee.

Congress is also continuing its own inquiries, mostly in the Democratic-controlled House of Representa­tives.

Attorney General Barr summarises, mostly in his own words, the conclusion­s of the special counsel’s investigat­ion. In one key line, however, he directly quotes the report.

“The investigat­ion did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or co-ordinated with the Russian government in its election interferen­ce activities.”

There, in Robert Mueller’s own words, is the end result of nearly two years of work, 2,800 subpoenas, hundreds of search warrants and countless hours of interviews. There were “multiple offers” of help from “Russian-affiliated individual­s” to the Trump campaign, but they never took the bait.

There was, as Donald Trump might say, “no collusion”. At least, no evidence of it was unearthed.

The obstructio­n of justice component is a murkier matter. The decision of whether to charge Trump with interferen­ce with the various investigat­ions wasn’t Mr Mueller’s. Saying it involved “difficult issues”, the former FBI director punted.

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