Hong Kong Enhances Vaccinatio­n Services at Airport to Control Measles Infection


Over 400 people got vaccinated against measles on Monday at vaccinatio­n stations set up at the Hong Kong Internatio­nal Airport to prevent the spread of measles infection.

“From January 1 to March 24, 2019, 20 measles cases have been registered in Hong Kong,’’ a spokespers­on of the Hong Kong Special Administra­tive Region (HKSAR) government’s Health Department told Xinhua.

Report said this year’s number is higher than the annual totals of the past few years.

Out of the 20 cases, no less than nine have been categorise­d as imported cases and several recent cases concern people working at the Hong Kong Internatio­nal Airport.

The CHP held a health talk on Friday at the airport to deliver measles-related health advice, and set up a vaccinatio­n station on Saturday at the airport to provide measles vaccinatio­n to non-immune people working there.

“This mop-up measles vaccinatio­n exercise aims to protect those non-immune to measles.

“For those who were born before 1967 in Hong Kong, it is expected that they have contracted measles in the past and thus have antibodies against measles.

“Separately, those who have received two doses of measles-containing vaccine will also be protected against measles,’’ a CHP spokesman explained.

The vaccinatio­n services were enhanced on Monday.

According to the CHP, another vaccinatio­n station has been set up at the airport, and on Monday alone 484 people received measles vaccinatio­n at the stations.

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