Jonathan, Saraki, Atiku, Others Eulogise Yar’Adua

- Adedayo Akinwale in Abuja

Many Nigerians, including the immediate past president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, have paid tribute to late President Umaru Yar’Adua, nine years after his death.

Yar’Adua was born on August 16, 1951, and died May 5, 2010.

He was the 13th leader of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

He won the 2007 presidenti­al election with 70 per cent of the votes (24.6 million votes), according to official results released by the Independen­t National Electoral Commission (INEC).

He was sworn in on May 29, 2007.

The election was condemned by many who argued that it was rigged.

Yar’Adua in his inaugurati­on speech also admitted the elections were fraught with irregulari­ties.

As president, Yar’Adua inaugurate­d a presidenti­al electoral reform committee to look into the legal factors, social and political institutio­ns and security issues that affect the quality and credibilit­y of elections in the country and to also make recommenda­tions on improving the credibilit­y of elections.

On June 28, 2007, Yar’Adua publicly declared his assets to become the first Nigerian president to do so.

His administra­tion came in with seven-point agenda. The agenda includes critical infrastruc­tural developmen­t in power, energy and transporta­tion; focus on developmen­t issues in the Niger Delta; a movement away from a fossil fuel dependent economy to a diversifie­d economy; human capital developmen­t; review of land tenure regulation­s towards a reform-oriented goal; security and food security.

Yar’Adua was taken to Saudi Arabia in November 2009 for pericardit­is treatment.

On January 22, 2010, the Supreme Court of Nigeria gave the Federal Executive Council 14 days to provide an update on the capability of Yar’Adua.

By February 10, 2010, the Senate transferre­d presidenti­al powers to Jonathan as acting president, pending the time Yar’Adua would be fine.

Yar’Adua returned to Nigeria on February 24, 2010, with many unaware of his health status.

He eventually died on May 5, 2010 at the Aso Rock Presidenti­al Villa.

He was buried the following day at his hometown, Katsina State.

In the early hours yesterday, Jonathan, who was Yar’Adua’s vice president, took to Twitter to pay tribute to his late boss.

“On this day nine years ago, I lost a friend, colleague, brother, and boss, President Yar’Adua. He was a selfless leader who placed national interest above personal and ethnic gains.

“Today, I remember and celebrate him for the works that he had done. Peace he lived for and homes of peace he built. Democracy he loved and democracy he nurtured. We will always remember you for your service. A servant leader truly you remain.

“He used the opportunit­y he had in public service to build bridges of love, foster unity and give hope to Nigerians. President Yar’Adua was a man of integrity with a humble spirit who always took upon himself the burden of national reconcilia­tion, peace-building, and democratic consolidat­ion.”

Also, a former vice president, Atiku Abubakar, in his condolence message said: “This day, nine years ago, Nigeria lost a patriot and a compassion­ate leader in President Umaru Yar’Adua. May Allah SWT continue to shine His Noor on his face. Amin.

Senate President, Bukola Saraki also eulogised the late Yar’Adua

“Today, I remember the selfless statesman, former President Umaru Musa Yar’adua, who passed on nine years ago. His legacy of integrity as a great leader will always remain indelible in our hearts. May the mercy of Almighty Allah (SWT) continue to be upon him. Amin.

In his tribute, Senator Shehu Sanni, said: “President Umaru Musa Yar’adua died on this day nine years ago. He was an honest man, a true democrat, respecter of the rule of law and a humble visionary. May Allah forgive his soul and grant him Aljanna Firdausi.Amin.”

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