I Paid N5m Ransom to My Abductors, Says OAU Lecturer

- In Osogbo

Yinka Kolawole

An orthopaedi­c surgeon at the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, Prof. Olayinka Adegbehing­be, who was kidnapped on Sunday, has revealed that N5.045 million was paid to secure his release.

Adegbehing­be disclosed this yesterday in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) at his residence in the university.

The surgeon, who said he was hale and healthy, attributed his release to the power of God.

According to him, the kidnappers had demanded N30 million and later collected N5.045 million for his release after much negotiatio­n.

He condemned the level of insecurity across the country, saying majority of the youths are jobless and have now resorted to crime.

“The federal government needs to invest more in security; we need to know the identity of people coming in and going out of the town, state and the country at large.

“The people who abducted me were Fulani herdsmen and they had four guns and multiple rounds of ammunition as well as different dangerous weapons, ” he said.

He called for community policing as well as provision of employment for the youths, adding that, “idle hands are the devil’s workshop.’’

“I also thank the security operatives, the entire OAU and OAUTHC communitie­s, our families, church members and all other well wishers for their prayers and other support rendered,’’ he added.

President of the Nigeria Medical Associatio­n in Osun State, Prof. Oluwole Komolafe, expressed gratitude to God for the release of Adegbehing­be.

“The federal government should look into the issue of security across the country so that citizens would have rest of mind,’’ he said.

Prof. Rasaq Adebayo, another colleague of Adegbehing­be and consultant cardiologi­st at OAU Teaching Hospital Complex, attributed the release to God’s interventi­on.

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