‘Policy is Good, But Not Constituti­onal’

Dr. Emmanuel Lomang former Acting National President of the Associatio­n of Local Government­s of Nigeria and Plateau State Chairman of ALGON fields questions from Seriki Adinoyi on the recent directive of the Nigerian Financial Intelligen­ce Unit that seeks


What’s your opinion on the new policy of separate local government account?

Having been a local government chairman for about seven years, and also Chairman of Associatio­n of Local Government­s of Nigeria (ALGON), and one time Acting National President of ALGON, I can tell you honestly that this policy is the right one.

During my tenure as ALGON President, we had written memos ad organised seminars upon seminars on the need for local government autonomy, but nothing came out of it; our memos didn’t see the light of day.

Why do you think the National Assembly was ‘unwilling’ concerning the issue?

What we realized is that we have many of them as former governors, who are now senators. Some of them have been manipulati­ng local government funds in their states, so they saw it as normal, and didn’t see the need for our agitation. They wanted to continue.

So, I see what the President has done as logical and commendabl­e because this will now bring developmen­t to the grassroots. But I must be fast to add that machinerie­s must be put in place to checkmate activities at the local government level. I am aware that there are limits to withdrawal; for instance cash withdrawal of funds has a limit of N500,000. Honestly it will get-up developmen­t at the local government level.

But is the policy supported by the constituti­on?

No, it is not constituti­onal. You see, this is where I have problem with this government. It is too autocratic. Their ideas may be good, but it has to follow the right process. We are in a democracy, and procedures must be followed.

It is a good idea, but there are amendments that must be done to the 1999 constituti­on, which is where the National Assembly comes in.

That was why during my tenure we worked together with the Nigerian Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) to put pressure on the National Assembly.

Do you foresee the governors going to court to stop it?

Well, I won’t be surprised if they do since it is not constituti­onal, and in a democracy you cannot jettison the constituti­on.

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