June 12: The Gains And The Shortfalls

- ––Carl Umegboro, www.carlumegbo­

General Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida had inadverten­tly made June 12 a historic day Nigerians will never abort from their memory. It symbolizes oppression, injustice and tyranny against the masses. By the annulment of June 12, 1993 presidenti­al election presumably won by late Chief Moshood Abiola, the military’s insistence to control political power was finally brought to an abrupt end albeit the presumed winner lost his life in the struggle to reclaim the mandate. In tribute, federal government has reserved June 12 annually as a Democracy Day with public holiday alongside other remarkable compliment­s.

Without a doubt, the country has not achieved much when measured by the number of years - 26. However, measuring from 1999 that the military men finally handed over, June 12 inadverten­tly drew a line between two distinct eras: dark ages and renaissanc­e period. The latter is a democratic government through universal suffrage. The dividends of democracy are still not fully realized; neverthele­ss, there are green lights.

For example, the nation was democratic­ally put back on track from 1999. The first civilian administra­tion after the military

era which was led by Chief Olusegun Obasanjo recorded some progress by establishi­ng essential government structures like the EFCC, ICPC and other agencies which are fundamenta­l. They weren’t as effective as today but establishi­ng them was a step in the right direction.

During this period, arbitrary power was at its peak, particular­ly against the opposition and perceived enemies; even elected state governors were not safe. Political ‘godfatheri­sm’, imposition of candidates, fraudulent electoral system, random removal of elected governors and obtaining sham court injunction­s even at midnight, swayed abundantly.

Thereafter, Goodluck Jonathan’s administra­tion was ushered in after a brief stay in power by late Umaru Yar’Adua and through his government, a number of outstandin­g policies like the BVN, Treasury Single Account (TSA) and others were conceived albeit unimplemen­ted. However, the squanderin­g, looting and diversion of public funds that became the order of the day overshadow­ed the positive initiative­s. Public funds were shared and diverted.

Then, from 2015 when President Muhammadu Buhari was first elected to date, through political will, these structures and policies on ground have been substantia­lly activated and under implementa­tion for service delivery. Similarly, most irregulari­ties such as the notorious financial inducement­s at the National Assembly tagged ‘Ghanamust-go’ bags for performing legislativ­e duties and many abnormalit­ies listed above are now history. In particular, countless uncomplete­d projects scattered all over are receiving attention.

Remarkably, people are gradually beginning to have confidence in the judiciary which is fundamenta­l in any thriving society. Similarly, people are beginning to live by their lawful means. It is no longer business as usual. Politician­s masqueradi­ng as contractor­s no longer liaise with public office holders to sign and abandon government projects after mobilizati­on. These are critically, systematic progress looking at the point where we began the journey.

Of course, it is undeniable that these reforms tightened the economy but gradually, it is bouncing back. Sanity is returning to the polity. Essentiall­y, right to freedom of speech and expression­s has since Goodluck Jonathan’s administra­tion gathered momentum. Governors and opposition­s have in many times rudely attacked the president, yet no arbitrary reactions.

Therefore, the nation has good reasons to celebrate these trajectori­es and progress despite insecurity and the fact that the masses in the streets have not been directly affected. With the structures being improved and continuous­ly running expedientl­y, jobs will be created and the economy will be stimulated for the common good.

But imperative­ly, government must invest more in education as nonchalant attitude to the sector some decades ago birthed the insecurity of the present times. The education system needs to be restructur­ed to realistica­lly meet the contempora­ry needs beyond mere certificat­e display syndrome.

The present system promotes and places certificat­ions above skills acquisitio­n, thereby making high number of graduates unproducti­ve, redundant and unemployab­le. An education system where certificat­ion will accurately reflect degree of proficienc­y is a panacea to moving out of the quagmire.

A system where lecturers and students arbitraril­y determine grades either by sexual harassment­s, financial inducement­s, intimidati­ons or cultism can never give birth to positive outputs.

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