300-level Uniben Student Commits Suicide

- Adibe Emenyonu

The corpse of a 300-level student of University of Benin, Miss Christabel­l Buoro, was on Tuesday evening discovered in her hostel flat.

The body of the 21-year old who was of the department of Medical Laboratory Science found in her residence, at Plot 4, Yehudi Lane, situated off Newton Street, Ekosodin, a community behind the university.

It was gathered from a source close to the premises where her dead body was discovered that she drank deadly substance to end her life.

The undergradu­ate, it was learnt, took her life after breaking up with her boyfriend, according to the suicide note said to have been found by her neighbours.

The source further disclosed that an empty sachet of Klin detergent was found on the spot where she took her life.

He said people got to know it was suicide from the note she left which the police read out to the crowd that thronged the area.

However, police officers at the Ugbowo Police Division were said to have invited two persons for questionin­g over the content of the letter.

The late Buoru allegedly mixed some deadly insecticid­e, popularly called Sniper with Sprite drink, and reportedly left a suicide note where she stated that she was about taking her life because the guy she loved didn’t love her in return after her boyfriend broke up with her.

In his reaction, he university’s spokesman, Michael Osasuyi, who confirmed the incident, said the school was waiting for a detailed briefing concerning what really happened since the incident did not take place within the university compound

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