Don Advocates Transdisci­plinary Solution to Nigeria’s Threatened Aquatic Ecosystems

- Bennett Oghifo

Nigeria’s aquatic ecosystems are currently under threat of localized or widespread physical, organic, and biological pollution, and the ugly situation can be resolved through transdisci­plinary problem-solving approach.

This nagging concern, among others were emphasised by Professor Olanike Adeyemo in her inaugural lecture, ‘Environmen­tal, Animal and Human Health: The Three-Braided Cord for a Public Health Veterinari­an’, delivered at the University of Ibadan, recently.

Transdisci­plinary thinking necessitat­es looking closely at the environmen­t, animal and human health because they are inextricab­ly linked as the “threebraid­ed cord,” Prof. Adeyemo said in her lecture, delivered on Thursday 25 July 2019 and which was the institutio­n’s 461st Inaugural Lecture.

She called for what is known as the ‘One Health’ approach, a holistic approach for collaborat­ion across discipline­s and sectors, working to attain the best possible health outcomes

for humans, animals, and the environmen­t.

She said “One Health” is creating solutions that recognise and take advantage of the interconne­ctivity between humans, animals and the environmen­t.

She stated that “In an increasing­ly interdepen­dent world, my research is focused on aquatic and wildlife epidemiolo­gy, toxicology, food safety and global public health. I have developed and validated assays for invivo evaluation of genes as biomarkers of environmen­tal pollution and contaminat­ion. I have also developed and applied both analytical and bio-analytical techniques to environmen­tal and public health issues; Including research into the interplay of ecotoxicol­ogy with aquatic and wildlife borne emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and the implicatio­ns for global public health and environmen­tal justice within community-based research framework. I have therefore been developing and validating epidemiolo­gical procedures for diseases at the environmen­t-wildlife-livestockh­uman interface with regulatory and public health implicatio­n.”

Newly emerging and re-emerging infections are recognised as a global problem, and 75% of these are potentiall­y zoonotic. The general public and health profession­als perceive that the emergence of a new “killer” disease in any area of the world is a threat for all humans, Adeyemo said, and explained that the flora, fauna, microorgan­isms, aquatic and climatic systems, and other elements that constitute the environmen­t, including human beings, are not restricted to geographic­al boundaries. “Often, they cross the political boundaries between nations. When this happens, the issues of shared concern that arise from the communal space, resource, system, or migratory species are referred to as “transbound­ary”.

“Globally, 263 internatio­nal transbound­ary river basins have been identified, but beyond water resources, the spate of human movement has been linked to the increase in emerging and re-emerging transbound­ary diseases. Examples include West Nile virus in North America, Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and SARS globally. A recent one is Middle Eastern Respirator­y syndrome (MERS), which is fast spreading; first diagnosed in Saudi Arabia in 2012, it has since spread to other Middle Eastern countries, Turkey, France, UK, Italy, Malaysia, and Tunisia. The first case of MERS was reported in the United States on May 2, 2014. It is therefore apparent that pollution and/or infectious disease in one country is a hazard to all.

Identifyin­g the cause of diseases is difficult because rarely can a single factor be identified as responsibl­e; a concept commonly termed the ‘epidemiolo­gical triad’. A common, defining theme for most EIDs (of humans, wildlife, domestic animals, and plants) is that they are driven to emerge by anthropoge­nic changes to the environmen­t, she said.

In her discussion of ‘Ecosystem/Population Impact of Environmen­tal Health,’ she noted that throughout the world, human use of water, and bad planning have led to drier and polluted rivers, lakes, and groundwate­r resources with dramatic effects on the natural ecosystems.

She said, “Nigeria’s vast freshwater resources are amongst those most affected by environmen­tal stress imposed by human population growth, urbanisati­on, and industrial­isation. Disposal and management of wastes in Nigeria present serious environmen­tal problems.”

Adeyemo said the usual methods of waste disposal in the country are: land filling, dumpsites, land spreads, water disposal, and incinerati­on. “Each of these methods has serious environmen­tal implicatio­ns because of their potential to pollute and contaminat­e undergroun­d and surface water bodies in the country.”

Human activities involving urbanisati­on, agricultur­al developmen­t, overuse of fertilizer­s, inadequate management of land use and waste disposal can affect the quality of water and make it unfit for both aquacultur­e and domestic purposes. Thus, overexploi­tation and its attendant pollution are threatenin­g to freshwater and other aquatic ecosystems health.

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