Aderibigbe Emerges Winner Of PZ Cussons Chemistry Challenge

- Kasie Abone

After a keenly contested quiz competitio­n to wrap up this year’s edition of PZ Cussons sponsored Chemistry Challenge for secondary schools pan Nigeria, Aderibigbe Eniola Peace from Babcock University High School beat five other finalists to emerge the overall winner.

Miss Aderibigbe was rewarded with N1million, a trophy, a medal and a year supply of Premier, a premium soap brand from the company.

The first and second runners up were Adele Chika of Jephthah of Comprehens­ive Secondary School, Port Harcourt and Ojuba Mezisashe Shalom of Loyola Jesuit College, Abuja who received N750,000 and N500,000 respective­ly.

In addition to their cash prizes, the schools that produced the top three winners also were given laboratory equipment.

Other finalists including Andrew Ulan Sylvia of Premiere Academy, Abuja, Ugboma David Rex of Makun High School, Sagamu and Ndidi Christabel Chukwufumn­anya of Demonstrat­ion Staff Secondary School, Asaba all received consolatio­n prizes of a year supply of Premier soap.

The teachers of the winning students were not also left as their efforts were rewarded with cash prizes.

Sponsored by Premier soap the national competitio­n kicked off at three examinatio­n hubs in Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt.

Apart from this being the first time the competitio­n went national; it was also the first time three females qualified for the finals.

And for the first time a female, Ojuba Mezisashe Shalom, of Loyola Jesuit College, Abuja; scored the highest during the practical stage.

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