Gunmen Kill Catholic Priest in Taraba, Burn Corpse

- Wole Ayodele inJalingo

The Catholic Priest of St. Peters Catholic Church, Amadu in Takum Local Government Area (LGA) of Taraba State, Rev. Fr. David Tanko was on Wednesday killed by gunmen along Wukari-Takum road.

The Chairman of the Takum LGA, Mr. Shiban Tikari, confirmed the killing while speaking with journalist­s in Jalingo, the state capital.

Tikari said the priest was ambushed and killed by bandits on his way to a meeting to resolve the crisis between the Tiv and their Jakun neighbours in Kufai Amadu community in Takum.

“After killing him, the attackers set him and his car on fire,’’ Tikari said.

Tikari said that Tanko was an indigene of Wukari LGA of the state.

He fingered people he described as Tiv militia for the killing, alleging that the militia was responsibl­e for other attacks that had claimed lives and property in the southern parts of Taraba State.

Also confirming the incident, the Police Public Relations Officer of Taraba State Police Command, David Misal described the incident as unfortunat­e, saying the command was already on the trail of his assailants.

Also speaking on the developmen­t, the Bishop of the Jalingo Catholic Diocese, Bishop Charles Hammawa condemned the killing and described it as brutal.

“We received the news of his death with shock. This is sad. The diocese is mourning. We have been preaching peace and making efforts to bring both parties in the crisis in the area to round-table discussion.

“For a priest who has been preaching peace to be killed in this most gruesome manner is pathetic to say the least because a priest belongs to all. The Police authority in the state has promised me that they are investigat­ing the case; we pray that the perpetrato­rs be brought to justice,” he said.

The Bishop however stated that there would be a wake keep on Monday as part the burial rites of the late clergy, while he would be buried on Tuesday next week at the diocesan cemetery in Jalingo.

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