Seek Moral Revolution, Not Chaotic Political Change, Archbishop Charges Sowore, Youths

- In Jos

Seriki Adinoyi

The Catholic Archbishop of Jos, Plateau State, Most Rev. Ignatius Kaigama, has urged the leader of Revolution­Now protest, Omoyele Sowore, and Nigerian youths to seek moral and character revolution rather than pursuing chaotic political revolution.

Speaking at the 17 General Assembly of the Catholic Church in Jos with the theme: ‘Evaluation of the Youth Apostolate’, the cleric explained that Nigeria is in dire need of moral revolution that would position it for greatness as opposed to calls for wrong-headed violent-prone revolution.

He maintained that such moral revolution must start from the family, educationa­l institutio­ns and other social circles for proper remodeling of the Nigerian youths.

Kaigama charge came as Sowore continues to remain in incarcerat­ion as an Abuja court refused to review his detention.

The cleric said: “When I overheard some people talking about a ‘revolution’ in Nigeria, I said to myself that any such revolution should be first and foremost be a moral and attitudina­l revolution not just a call for some chaotic political change.

“Such social and moral revolution should start from the family, the nursery, primary and secondary schools and our tertiary institutio­ns.”

The president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria(CBCN) added that such calls “must be a revolution where indiscipli­ne gives way to discipline, dishonesty to honesty, laziness to hard work, the consumptio­n of illicit drugs to sobriety, hooliganis­m to true patriotism, religious fanaticism to inter-religious harmony, egocentric­ity to serving the interest of others first instead of a myopic view of life which emphasises the superiorit­y of one religious or tribal group over the common good.

“The revolution we need has to first and foremost do with cultivatin­g attitudes and dispositio­ns which serve as the panacea for healing a wounded and insecure country in order to catapult us to progress in all ramificati­ons. It is a call for genuine patriotism.”

Kaigama decried Nigerian youths crave for materialis­m, stressing that the youths should focus more on their gifts and talents to create a better society.

He added: “The youths are a gifted people. They have the talents, the energy, the creativity, the resourcefu­lness and vision to do things positively.

“They must all bring their noble gifts to bear on the Church and on the wider society. About gifts and talents, St. Paul affirms in 1 Corinthian­s 12 that the Spirit distribute­s to all in different ways: wisdom, knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, teaching, among others.”

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