Firm Reiterates Commitment to Healthcare Awareness

- Nume Ekeghe

The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Sigma Pensions, Mr. Dave Uduanu said his organisati­on is committed to improving the lifestyle and healthcare of clients, staff and the public through creation of awareness. He said regular exercise was crucial to maintainin­g a healthy lifestyle, including dieting and leading a stress free life.

Speaking at the third edition of the Sigma Walk-to-Live programme held in Abuja recently, he said they would continue to help people to become conscious of a healthy lifestyle. Represente­d at the event by Executive Director, Operations, Sigma Pensions, Mr. Afolabi Afolayan, Uduanu said the company’s interventi­on would lead to a win-win situation for the organisati­on and its clients.

He said: “At the end of the day, if we have a healthy population and a healthy client, they will generally take a good work life which means they will be able to contribute even more to their retirement, which would then ensure they have a better balance in their portfolio. It will be a win-win situation.”

Evaluating the programme reception by the public, he said: “The turnout has been good and the responses from the clients have been very positive. They loved it because it brings together Sigma as a family of both clients and staff, and so this is a bonding session which has allowed us to know our clients even better and to be able to service them better.”

He added: Sigma Pensions is a 15-year old PFA and one of the most customer-centric PFAs. This is our third edition of Walk-to-Live and this is the second in Abuja and the whole essence is to encourage healthcare and healthy living.”

“Clearly, as the medical authoritie­s have said, for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you have to look at exercising regularly, you have to look at your diet and live a stress free life.”

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