Lagos Pension for Ex-Govs Most Reprehensi­ble


As we go into the New Year, civil society groups must mount pressure on Lagos law makers to abrogate the atrocious pension law that grants huge state resources to its ex-governors. The Lagos State pension law grants a former governor two posh houses - one in Lagos and another in Abuja – at an estimated cost of about N3 billion at current cost. A former governor also gets six new cars replaceabl­e every three years. In nine years, a former governor would have had 18 new cars delivered to him. What a country! These former governors get additional N2.5 million as monthly pension (N30 million annually).

They and their immediate families also enjoy security details, free medicals and domestic staff provided by the government. They are getting all these in a state where public schools, hospitals and inner roads are in shambles. This garbage must end this year. In this Lagos, conservati­vely, 95 per cent of inner roads are in a big mess. Also, majority of Lagosians lack access to public water supply, yet huge funds are going into maintainin­g ex-governors. Civil servants, after serving the state for 35 years don’t get ordinary tent built for them. Some of these pensioners are even struggling to get their annuity after 35 years of service. Pressure groups must rise and fight for the abrogation of this loathsome Lagos Pension law. The Lagos State House of Assembly is an accessory to this crime. However, with good pressure, I am very sure these lawmakers will budge. They must emulate their colleagues in Zamfara State who have since thrown away the rubbish called pension for ex-governors.

Akwa Ibom is another State whose pension law for ex-governors is as obnoxious as that of Lagos State. Pressure must also be mounted to ensure that it is repealed. Here, the law provides for N200 million annual pay for every ex-governor. They enjoy a pension for life at a rate equivalent to the salary of the incumbent governor. A new official car and a utility vehicle every four years; one personal aide and provision of adequate security; a cook, chauffeurs and security guards are provided for the ex-governors at a sum not exceeding N5 million per month. There are also free medical services for the ex-governors and their spouses at an amount not exceeding N100 million yearly. Also, a five-bedroom mansion is built in Abuja and Akwa Ibom for ex-governors.

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