Buhari Condemns Killings in Kogi Community

- Omololu Ogunmade in Abuja

President Muhammadu Buhari last night in Abuja condemned the murder of 19 persons by unknown gunmen in Tawari community in Kogi Local Government Area.of Kogi State. This is as Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State directed security agencies in the state to fish out perpetrato­rs of Tawari attack and bring them to book.

A statement by presidenti­al spokesman, Malam Garba Shehu, said Buhari remarked that “there is no excuse or justificat­ion for killing innocent people by anybody or group, and for whatever motive.’’

He further quoted the president as saying, “The killings and revenge killings will only aggravate the cycle of violence, creating neither safety nor security for any side.

“People should avoid taking the law into their own hands because doing so could make a bad situation worse and undermine the government’s efforts to tackle security challenges.

“I am gravely worried about frequency and temptation of using violence to settle disputes instead of following lawful and amicable means to avoid needless destructio­n of lives and property.”

Bello gave the directive to fish out the killers in a statement released by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr.

Onogwu Muhammed, in Lokoja yesterday where he asked the security agencies to swing into action and ensure that those who carried out the dastardly act face the law.

The governor, who condemned the attack, warned that anyone nursing the ambition of causing crisis in the state would have himself or herself to blame. He, therefore, urged the people to be calm and law abiding, assuring them that his administra­tion was determined to flush out bandits and criminals out of the state.

The Kogi State Police Command has also given an update on the attack saying about 28 houses and vehicles were razed by gunmen in Tawari community among others. Tawari community, which is about 30 minute’s drive from Gegu town on Lokoja-Abuja Road, Kogi Local Government Area, came under a heavy attack by unknown gunmen on Thursday night.

The Police Public Relations Officer for the command, Williams Anya, disclosed this to the News Agency of Nigeria in a telephone interview.

Anya, who also disclosed that some lives were lost during the attack, said the Commission­er of Police, Mr. Ede Ayuba Ekpeji, had visited the community for on-the-spot assessment.

He also said the Commission­er of Police had deployed Special Police Force and Police Tactical Squad, led by a Deputy Commission­er of Police, to immediatel­y unravel those behind the heinous act with a view to bringing them to book.

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