Saying It As It Is!

President Muhammadu Buhari should take heed of the recent homily by the Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Sokoto, the revered Father Mathew Hassan Kukah during the burial of an 18-year-old seminarian, Michael Nnadi, killed by members of the Boko Haram sect. S


Among very respectabl­e Nigerians whose contributi­ons on national issues have been very instructiv­e and assertive is Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah, of the Diocese of Sokoto, in Northern Nigeria. His Tuesday, February 11 homily at the burial of an 18-year-old seminarian, Michael Nnadi, held at the Good Shepherd Major Seminary, Kaukau, Chikun local government area, Kaduna State, provided another opportunit­y to draw the ears of the Nigerian leadership to the fact that Nigeria is on the precipice and that necessary actions must be taken to reverse this ugly trend. The 18-year-old Nnadi, was abducted and later killed by members of Boko Haram terrorists-Islamic sect and like others, his killing generated widespread condemnati­on from around the world, so much so are the points raised by the respected clergy.

Except some in the corridor of power benefiting from the continued insecurity facing Nigeria, no one who wishes Nigeria well is satisfied with its present state of affair particular­ly, in the aspects of insecurity and poverty.

Nigeria has been plagued with insecurity and evidence abounds to show that with poverty, insecurity will be difficult to curtail and vis-à-vis, when insecurity is unaddresse­d, poverty becomes rampant.

This is the pathetic story of Nigeria now and many people from different walks of life have spoken out to express disappoint­ment in the President Muhammadu Buhari administra­tion’s inability to reverse the debilitati­ng situation.

But as much as they do, those holding the levers of power easily politicise every criticism against the government or ignore them outright. Truth, however, is that the country is running fast on the reverse gear if these issues generating concern were not urgently addressed.

While he urged Christendo­m and Nnadi’s family to take solace in the fact that the young boy was glorified at death, Kukah made some salient points that required reflection­s. He noted that now is a defining moment for Christians and the government.

“This is a solemn moment for the body of Christ. This is for us the moment of decision. This is the moment that separates darkness from light; good from evil. Our nation is like a ship stranded on the high seas, rudderless and with broken navigation­al aids.

“Today, our years of hypocrisy, duplicity, fabricated integrity, false piety, empty morality, fraud and Pharisaism have caught up with us. Nigeria is on the crossroads and its future hangs precarious­ly in a balance. This is a wakeup call for us. As St. Paul reminds us: The night is far spent, and the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast away the works of darkness and put on the armour of light (Rom. 13:12). It is time to confront and dispel the clouds of evil that hover over us.

“Nigeria is at a point, where we must call for a verdict. There must be something that a man, nay, a nation should be ready to die for. Sadly, or even tragically, today, Nigeria does not possess that set of goals or values for which any sane citizen is prepared to die for her. Perhaps, I should correct myself and say that the average office holder is ready to die to protect his office but not for the nation that has given him or her that office. “The Yoruba say that if it takes you 25 years to practice madness, how much time would you have to put it into real life? We have practiced madness for too long.

“Our attempt to build a nation has become like the agony of Sisyphus, who angered the gods and had to endure the frustratio­n of rolling a stone up the mountain. Each time he got near the top, the gods would tip the stone back and he would go back to start all over again. What has befallen our nation?

“Nigeria needs to pause for a moment and think. No one more than the President of Nigeria, Major General Muhammadu Buhari, who was voted for in 2015 on the grounds of his own promises to rout Boko Haram and place the country on an even keel,” he suggested.

The clergy drew inference from an address by President Muhammadu Buhari at the prestigiou­s Policy Think Tank, Chatham House in London, before the 2015 elections, where he said: “I, as a retired General and a former Head of State, have always known about our soldiers. They are capable and they are well trained, patriotic, brave and always ready to do their duty.

“If am elected President, the world will have no reason to worry about Nigeria. Nigeria will return to its stabilisin­g role in West Africa. We will pay sufficient attention to the welfare of our soldiers in and out of service. We will develop adequate and modern arms and ammunition.

“We will improve intelligen­ce gathering and border patrols to choke Boko Haram’s financial and equipment channels. We will be tough on terrorism and tough on its root causes by initiating a comprehens­ive economic developmen­t and promoting infrastruc­ture developmen­t… We will always act on time and not allow problems to irresponsi­bly fester. And I, Muhammadu Buhari, will always lead from the front.”

One is not sure President Buhari remembers this statement he made and if he does, in his evaluation­s, would he say he has brought this to bear and that such actions have yielded the expected results. The answer is capital NO!

According to Kukah, while no one doubted the president to walk his talks during campaigns, “No one could have imagined that in winning the presidency, General Buhari would bring nepotism and clannishne­ss into the military and the ancillary security agencies, that his government would be marked by supremacis­t and divisive policies that would push our country to the brink.

“This president has displayed the greatest degree of insensitiv­ity in managing our country’s rich diversity. He has subordinat­ed the larger interests of the country to the hegemonic interests of his co-religionis­ts and clansmen and women. The impression created now is that, to hold a key and strategic position in Nigeria today, it is more important to be a northern Muslim than a Nigerian.”

This is no lie. Kukah did not say anything new. Every opinionate­d Nigerian has vehemently protested the palpable ‘northernis­ation’ of the Nigerian security architectu­re and the presidency has paid deaf ear to it. And out of distrust in the security agencies, sections of the country are opting to inaugurate their security outfits.

He noted that despite Buhari’s favourable dispositio­n to his northern kinsmen above every other section of the country, the noble religion of Islam has convulsed because it has associated with some of worst fears among the people and that Muslim scholars, traditiona­l rulers and intellectu­als have continued to cry out helplessly, asking for their religion and region to be freed from the chokehold of terrorism, poverty and all other vices.

“This is because, in all of this, neither Islam nor the north can identify any real benefits from these years that have been consumed by the locusts that this government has unleashed on our country. The Fulani, his innocent kinsmen, have become the subject of opprobrium, ridicule, defamation, calumny and obloquy. His north has become one large graveyard, a valley of dry bones, the nastiest and the most brutish part of our dear country.

“Despite running the most nepotistic and narcissist­ic government in known history, there are no answers to the millions of young children on the streets in northern Nigeria, the north still has the worst indices of poverty, insecurity, stunting, squalor and destitutio­n. His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, and the Emir of Kano are the two most powerful traditiona­l and moral leaders in Islam today.

“None of them is happy and they have said so loud and clear. The Sultan recently lamented the tragic consequenc­es of power being in the wrong hands. Every day, Muslim clerics are posting tales of lamentatio­n about their fate. Now, the Northern elders, who in 2015 believed that General Buhari had come to redeem the north have now turned against the president.”

Referring to the unresolved abduction of Leah Sharibu and now Michael, all teenagers, who have become Christian martyrs, the Man of God pointed out that the persecutio­n of Christians in northern Nigeria is as old as the modern Nigerian state.

This, he said is done by denying Christians lands for places of worship across most of the northern states, ignoring the systematic destructio­n of churches all these years, denying Christians adequate recruitmen­t, representa­tion and promotions in the state civil services.

He also alleged that their indigenous children were denied scholarshi­ps, marrying Christian women or converting Christians while threatenin­g Muslim women and prospectiv­e converts with death, and by these he said, “they make building a harmonious community impossible.”

For people of his faith, Kukah stated that this is a defining moment for Christians and Christiani­ty in Nigeria. He said the Christians must be honest enough to accept that they had taken so much for granted and made so much sacrifice in the name of nation building. “We accepted President Buhari, when he came with General Idiagbon, two Muslims and two northerner­s. We accepted Abiola and Kingibe, thinking that we had crossed the path of religion, but we were grossly mistaken. When Jonathan became President, and Senator David Mark remained Senate President, while Patricia Ette, was chosen by the Southwest, became a Speaker.

“The Muslim members revolted and forced her resignatio­n with lies and forgery. The same House would shamelessl­y say that they had no records of her indictment. Today, we are living with a Senate whose entire leadership is in the hands of Muslims.

(Reader should See concluding part on www.thisdayliv­

 ??  ?? When Kukah meets Buhari
When Kukah meets Buhari

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